Asking 4 a friend
Have you heard of a Jehovah's Witness on federal SSDI disability Pioneering ? How common is this ?
by BottleGate_ 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I do know someone.
For what it's worth, I do believe he is really disabled. He's a complete mess, healthwise.
On the other hand, if you can go out in service daily, sometimes at 7 AM, couldn't you find some sort of work to do?
I know of a handful.
One girl I was dating, her dad (an elder who claimed to be anointed) was off work and receiving benefits for M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Yet played cricket and football with the brothers every weekend and full-time pioneered.
I think, in his case, he was/is actually depressed but doesn't know it.
It used to be ENCOURAGED!!! They would give people assembly parts relating their experiences pioneering because they used their time wisely while on welfare.
I don't know how common this is. But yes, I have witnessed it first hand. Like minimus, I recall assembly parts that would praise those individuals on welfare for pioneering because they were bringing praise to Jehovah. In the early 80's I remember an Elder that was on unemployment and pioneering. He had a wife and 4 children. I thought his time would be better served looking for work so that he could feed his family and pay his bills.
Well it’s one thing muddle through pioneering ( but really sitting in coffee shops or next to a cart all day) if you are genuinely disabled. We all know few of them genuinely preach all day. But it is quite another to go ahead and have 4 kids but instead of bettering their life working free for Watchtower whilst claiming to be available for work.
It’s very common. I know several firsthand. In fact, I have a family member, a young lady, who is having a hard time finding the “perfect” job to fit her “pioneering” schedule. So she isn’t working at all, not because she can’t find, she has been offered jobs, but refuses them if they conflict with her schedule at all. So she is a broke-ass pioneer, sponging off her friends. She’s basically lazy. Some of her “pioneer” buddies (and some of these people are in their 60’s) encouraged her to file for state benefits (welfare) to “support” her pioneering. Because you know, Jehoober will provide!
Absolutely disgusting. In my humble opinion...
I never had any use for those types of pioneers you mention.
In my opinion, all these Witnesses who criticized me or others who worked could starve to death..I have no sympathy for anybody who never wanted to be in the workforce and don’t want to know about these older deadbeat JWs or their hard-luck stories! They can go tell somebody else.
Yes ,I personally knew of a few who abused the welfare system and took advantage of the benefits that were to go to genuine people who needed it .Their reasoning ? Its satans system of things .
I knew one guy who was a pioneer and was on full disability. Eventually, he ended up getting married, and who he got his disability from told him that he was going to lose all of it because his wife can now support him. But his wife, who had her own job, by the way, said no. She was not getting married to a guy just to support his @$$ (her words). He ended up working, it was that or not eating, losing his wife, and being homeless. lol