to ex-jw's specifically: with what have you replaced your belief system..

by thebeliever 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby


    check out his list of cults and you will find every sect there is, regardless of whether or not it is dangerous.

    I think pretty much anybody who has a belief system owes much of what it believes from OTHERS in one way or another. You might not think so but doesn't what we see and read about, and listen to what others say about lifes meaning.... shape most of our thinking? Most of our thoughts are based on what we put in our brain to know......then if were half sane we sort out the shit and except what WE feel is true.

    When a person gets to that point .....for many.....they now have a belif system. Thats when it gets called a "cult" by many.....a belief system built usually arouind one or many who got others going with the same line of thought. Cult is has a wide wide definition to many and the dictionary dosen't tell much.


  • Ravyn



    I just don't like rick ross or his website. he is critical of everything that comes under the heading of religion.

    I personally do not have a problem with the definition of cult---and I know the difference between a dangerous cult and any cult...unfortunately today the word has become synonymous with only the negative meaning.

    but to use rick ross' judgement as a measuring stick for anything is one-sided as the guy has a problem with everything except what he believes himself.

    that is all I meant.


  • Mac

    The newfound curiosity of a child! mac

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    As long as a group of humans DON'T control what you believe and if you will NOT allow other humans to dictate to you the "cans" and the "Cant's," everyone should do fine with a good moral upbringing and basic guidance.

    I'll stop and won't go any farther on the subject.......

    Mr. KIM

  • gumby

    As long as a group of humans DON'T control what you believe and if you will NOT allow other humans to dictate to you the "cans" and the "Cant's,"

    Now know Jesus was a man, and people followed him and his group of can and cant's......your not being fair again dang it.


  • John Barleycorn
    John Barleycorn

    ravyn, i don't quite agree with the statement that rick ross is critical about everything under the heading of religion...for example, if you search the database, it is for better or worse simply a pile of information, the files there read either good or bad on a particular sect, and some sects don't get negative or critical info at all, i.e. look at the Wicca/Paganism file in there and the only really negative file in there doesn't actually refer to any real Pagan or Witch...

    ...however, court cases that make the news are frequently what ends up in there, and not all of it is negative.

  • shotgun

    Thanks Ravyn I'll have a look for his book "How to know God" BTW I've been wondering what are you wearing in the picture...smokin!

    John you said:

    Deepak Chopra is not related to Tupac Shakur ( ;] ) however he is an affluent new age kind of doctor feel-good who lives in San Diego and has actually been indicted for blackmail and harassment...

    I hope he's not living in Beth Sarim cause Abraham will kick his ass out when he returns

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim


    If a person gives up a "belief system," what difference does it really make? You stll having a hard day at work?

    Mr. KIM

  • gumby

    If a person gives up a "belief system," what difference does it really make?

    Whats that got to do with a cult?

    I have no problem with many belief systems. We all have beliefs.


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Whats that got to do with a cult?

    Think about it Gumby......think s-l-o-w-l-y. It might help a little in answering your own question.

    By the way, how is Wyoming? or ?

    Mr. KIM

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