Fairweather Friends

by StinkyPantz 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    This term can mean many things in my opinion:

    1.) They are only around during the "good times", but not there for you, during the bad

    2.) The friendship is based on their terms only. Ex. When they call you, you are expected to go out, but when you call them, they do not offer the same courtesy.

    3.) They always borrow money, but never lend it

    I just think that friendship isn't a one way street. . .

    In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends.
    -John Churton Collins
  • Simon

    No, I think it is just no 1 - people who are there when things are going well (fait weather) but bail out when things get turbulent (stormy weather)

  • Been there
    Been there

    I think #1. I'm sure the other two have their own names.

  • lisavegas420

    Fairweather Friends: That is the term my dad the elder would use for brothers and sisters that were only at the meeting if it was convenient for them.


  • StinkyPantz

    I just think the term is more broad that the traditional usage.

    I once had a friend that only seemed to come around when she was broke. I always loaned her money because she had a kid. Usually I would take her to the store and buy diapers and such so that I knew the money would go towards the baby. I consider her a fairweather friend. Why? Because she mostly came around knowing she could depend on my generosity (fair weather), but not when I was broke or had to refuse her money (bad weather).

    Fair weather and bad weather can be viewed more broadly than the obvious.

  • greven

    Friends? oh you mean those dudes that come by once in a while and plunder my beer...


  • rocketman

    Fairweather Friends: That is the term my dad the elder would use for brothers and sisters that were only at the meeting if it was convenient for them.

    Oops, missed the quote box.

    Anyway, that's sad Lisa. Not to knock your dad, but that's not a very discerning attitude on the part of an elder. Then again, when I was serving, I was surprised at what some elders would say about brothers and sisters and how they would label them.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    Simon hit it on the head. Fair weather friends fit the first defenition. People that fit into the second and third defenitions are just JERKS!

    True friends show their colors when things get tough. They're their when you are broke, when you need help and when you ned an umbrella.



  • xenawarrior

    For Thunder:


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    StinkyPantz, it's like this to me:

    1. Fair weather friends

    2. Control freaks

    3. Moochers

    Frannie B

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