Were you ever marked as bad association by a particular person or family in the congregation? Did you ever find out the reasons for being bad association?
Bad Association
by Nosferatu 12 Replies latest jw friends
I'm assuming that I was marked as bad association. An elder once told me that a very negative letter would follow me to my next congregation if I ever moved. I had no plans to move at that time, but I did about a year later. Sure enough, such a letter was sent, and the PO was very angry about this attempt at character assasination, as I later heard from his wife. I was never told what the contents of the letter was, nor did anyone ever counsel me about anything scriptural.
Canadian District Overbeer
Not while I was "in" -- probably now, though. Ain't it great???
After I noticed people were avoiding me at the KH, I went to an elder and found out that I had been accused of a specious crime that was easy to prove that I wasn't guilty of. The person had gone to the elders and was told to talk to me. Instead they talked to the whole congregation. That had long-lasting results and the elders never made this person go back to these people and take back what they said.
You could say that this was the beginning of the end for me although it took awhile for it to sink in that this was the norm not the exception in congregations.
yep.. I was. My uncle came around and gave my dad a good bollocking about me being a bad ass. See, I was 15 mebbe 16, and had a passion for motorcycles.. you know the ones, big honking 100cc dirtbikes. I apparently caused my 13 y/o cousin to stumble. You see, he wanted a 125cc motocrosser.... and it was affecting his..... um. Anyhow* I went straight around to this "elders" house and told him in no uncertain terms... riding is in your blood, if he wants to ride, it ain't my fault. I rode with 3 people, all 3 of em are elders now (poor buggers) and the cousin that I was the bad affluence too? He's a MS now and owns 5 houses and will be retired by 40. He went on to own a 1972 XA GT falcon, a 1973 XB GT Falcon, a few HSV Commodores and numerous high performance jap bikes. Seems as much as my 100cc bike ridig days influenced him, he still grew up ok, bit of a real estate tycoom, great business man, and all round good guy.
Oh, it was all my fault...
I still ride
1966 Ducati 250 Monza
1977 Honda TL250
1997 Ducati 600SS
2000 honda XR100 (for the kids)
ride safe
No. I was actually marked as good association. The reason? Because of the way that I answered the pre-baptism questions. All of the elders thought that I was spiritually mature and had a unique way of reasoning from the scriptures and regarding doctrine. One elder even told me that it was a pity that I wasn't a brother because he was certain that I would advance far if I had been.
Of course, none of the teenag JW wanted to associate with me after that got around. Suddenly nobody trusted me to be cool enough to tag along to parties with other teenage JW. They worried that I might tattle on some of their activities. I became a very lonely teen after that. I couldn't associate with worldly people and my brothers and sisters in the faith wanted nothing to do with me.
Oh, definitely. I mean, I asked questions all the time!
That's just wrong for a Dub!
And the worst part was, I wouldn't STOP asking questions! Not even after they booted me out!
Tata, Tower!
I remember my mother telling me that another JW mother had told her that she doesn't want her sons associating with me. I can't remember the reasons why though. I don't think I really cared, her kids were a bunch of fvvvvvg wimps anyway.
was i ever labeled as bad association?? No.
but was i bad association? Hehehe.........;)
Heavens, not our tinkerbell!