Suppose You Said "I Forgive the Watchtower"?

by metatron 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Amazing

    The Watchtower organization is not a person who I can forgive ... it is just an unfeeling mechanical organization, and it reflects the will of its fictitious fantasy false little weakling god they label wrongly by the name Jehovah.

    I forgive the individuals I loved and cared about. For the rest of the JWs, forgiveness is meaningless as far as I am concerned.

    In any event, the Watchtower organization and the people that compose its membership still require loving dicipline from the civil and criminal courts in society at large. Therefore, I seek to lovingly help them get sued to the high heavens so that they, in love, can come to appreciate the caring hand of their human bothers and sisters in the non-JW sector of society ... and by giving up lots of money and assets, this lesson will be driven home to them where it counts.

    I suppose after they have been disciplined, held accountable, to an extent that justice is done, then total forgiveness of the individuals can be achieved ... because the root meaning of forgiveness is to let go ... and at that juncture I will be able to totally let go.

  • CruithneLaLuna

    Forgiveness is an interesting subject. You'd think it would be very simple, but it is not. I do think that most people, most of the time, are doing what they believe to be right and/or necessary. That does not mean that consequences do not accure to them and to others because of their acts; it does not justify the acts. It does not make all affronts and injuries easily forgiveable.

    I agree with Amazing that the WTS and Jehovah's Witnesses corporately should be held accountable to society, and that justice should be done by exacting and extracting from them appropriate recompense, to the extent possible - or at least, that I would feel a sense of satisfaction in seeing that happen. On the other hand (there's always a "but"), in order for this to happen, wouldn't it be necessary for government to become much more meddlesome in the area of religion, and would that really be a good thing? The consensus of our society currently seems to be that, except in fairly extreme cases, the damage and threat to individual liberty that comes from government intervention in the religious arena is too great a price to pay for the rectifications and restitutions that we (individuals, and groups with common concerns, such as "ex-JWs") might like to see ordered and enforced.

    Perhaps the best way to deal with the WTS is to do one's part in the letting the truth be known, by telling our stories and exposing them for what they are. This is not the easiest or quickest, and probably not the most personally satisfying, of solutions, but in the long run it may be the one that is least likely to involve a 'cure that is worse than the disease.' Education is a potent tool, generally underappreciated and underused.


  • larrynbabies

    In order to forgive someone or something you need to have compasion or feel sorry for them. I might also add repentance on the part of the forgiven goes along way. humility on thier part will also encourage forgiveness. can you hoestly say that the borg has any of these qualities. I would just as soon turn my back on a pit bull with a pork chop in my pocket.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    "I forgive the Watchtower Society for the terrible things they've done, I need to do that so I can progess as a spiritual person".

    Many times forgiveness is part of putting the past in perspective. It is a way of acknowledging the crimes done against you, and your ability to move past the pain. Is it necessary? Not always. I do think it helps, but not until a lot of justified anger and pain has been dealt with.

    I forgive Jehovah's Witnesses for what they did to me. I forgive them for ridiculing me, endlessly criticising my beliefs and doing everything in their power to make my recovery from my abusive family more difficult. I can forgive them for all of this, but I cannot forget. By that I don't mean I live with the experience 24/7. But I remember how I was treated by those people, and I will do everything in my power to prevent me and mine from being hurt by Jehovah's Witnesses ever again.

    Is that true forgiveness? I honestly don't know. But it's the best I can do.

  • Mulan

    I tell my mother that I think there are a few "real Christians" at the KH, but not a lot of them.

    The other day she was complaining about not knowing why things are so bad in her congregation. I laughed and said "there is something rotten in Denmark, Mom." She agreed. Maybe she is hearing me sometimes.

    Forgive?????????? Never.

  • gumby

    Which of their sins would the forgivness process start?

    How about lets line up all the parents who have lost their little sweet babies/children due to a lack of a blood transfusion and ask them if they think we should forgive the Watchtower? about the sweet little older lady who has 7 children and 10 grandchildren who cannot even speak to her anymore and.... she is dying of lonlinessand a broken heart?

    Maybe we could ask all the victims of sexual abuse inside the Watchtower and the parents who were ousted for making an issue out of they feel about this idea.

    What I want to know is how in the hell you could come up with such a ridiculous idea?

    If there were a total reformation to the extent that all those involved.... that are now alive..... were to see the ways of their error and made a total reform with apologies coming out of their ass.....then I suppose many could forgive........but not forget. That will never happen.

    ( now I'm going to go and call Charels Manson and tell him I forgive him...I'll be back in a minute)


  • patio34

    Very interesting topic, Metatron. It would be out-of-character for me to say something I don't agree with: that I "forgive" the WT and that being a "spiritual" person is implied to be positive. Both terms in quotes seem religious to me.

    I liked GaryBuss's terms better: about not having resentment (that's good for one's mental health) and someone having to make amends for real "forgiveness."

    It seems a religious principle to me that forgiveness is necessary for one's own mental health, which makes it patently untrue. Now not holding resentment nor allowing bitterness is another venue altogether.

    Besides, after all the political events lately, the WT has really faded into the background for me. There's a lot more troublesome things going on that are more significant to more people, imo.


  • patio34

    I suppose I could say "I no longer resent the WT as much in order to move on in being a happy person." That would still disarm them . . . maybe.


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