Are JWs Enjoying Not Having To Go To Meetings and House To House?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • pistolpete

    Announced at to US Bethel family this morning that the suspension of in-person organizational activities such as the use of Kingdom Halls and various in-person forms of the preaching work will need to remain in place until

    at least November 1-----------2079

  • JoenB75

    I have heard they save on shoes as you cant see those on zoom

  • jonahstourguide


    Same here in Australia and same info to co's and confirmation kingdom halls not to be used at all..


    P.S. Added. Yes the local jw's are loving every minute of free time and are hating even the thought of perhaps returning. However, stupidly enough, they are still referring to the farcical zoom field service meetings as witnessing........Hilarious.

  • asp59

    Yes that they gone online is becoming more and more obvious. They know by now that probably majority of JWs won't complain. After apostate video we all know Watchtower visits this pages to see what ranke and file thinks about current events in org.

  • wallsofjericho

    Nobody is afraid of elders or governing body, quit making shit up you sound like an idiot

    most jws are REALLY enjoying zoom, I know I am. Anyone with young kids freaking loves zoom

    Those without kids want to go back to “normal”

    honestly I think most actually want to get back to the KH but many enjoy talking as if the “end” will occur before that time

  • BluesBrother

    Mine are ..... they all agree it is a “blessing “ being at home for the meetings and don’t know how they ever found time for the ministry. Long may it last....

  • minimus

    So do they get dressed up for zoom meetings???

  • WTWizard

    I feel that what's holding them up is the Delta variant, and whatever percentage of people that still haven't gotten their vaccines. Once they get everyone fully vaccinated and this Delta variant passes, they will re-open the whole thing. Look for a notice that people need to get vaccinated for joke-hova, and I would presume they would be inside of a month of re-opening. If the Delta variant gets bad enough, that could hold up the works until they get another vaccine for that, and that assumes the Lambda variant doesn't start getting out of hand or they get something akin to the Sigma variant to hold it up some more.

    But, once they get re-opened, I would expect the hounders to get super aggressive about hounding those who were not attending boasting sessions before this started. They will get everyone back to boasting sessions in person once this happens, and within a few weeks, anyone not returning will receive a hounding. (And yes, they will be hounded and threatened with a "brazen conduct" if they do not get the vaccine.)

    I highly recommend that anyone that can, without losing one's livelihood or risking a jail sentence, refuse the shots to do just that. Refuse them. The more people that refuse those torture shots, the longer this can go on and hold things up on them. If anyone is worried about getting coronavirus or exposing vulnerable people to it, you should take quercetin (I take 800 mg per day, a safe dose) along with a good zinc supplement (50 mg should be enough for most). People not exposed to the sun, or those that cannot utilize it efficiently for whatever reason, should also take vitamin D (it doesn't hurt if everyone takes it during fall and winter months). You protect your health from whatever new variant of coronavirus comes out next, you protect those around you, and you protect those who simply do not want to be hounded back to boasting sessions this September.

  • minimus

    The Society for years railed against vaccinations. It would be interesting if Holy Spirit changed direction and made vacs mandatory for Jehovah’s blessing.

  • JoenB75

    mini, of course. you can see people on zoom so no t-shirt lol

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