AGREE? or DISAGREE? Popular Music

by Terry 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • ttdtt

    5 for Fighting - 100 Years - maybe the best lyrics ever to a song.

    I'm 15 for a moment
    Caught in between 10 and 20
    And I'm just dreaming
    Counting the ways to where you are

    I'm 22 for a moment
    And she feels better than ever
    And we're on fire
    Making our way back from Mars

    15 there's still time for you
    Time to buy and time to lose
    15, there's never a wish better than this
    When you only got a hundred years to live

    I'm 33 for a moment
    Still the man, but you see I'm a "they"
    A kid on the way, babe.
    A family on my mind

    I'm 45 for a moment
    The sea is high
    And I'm heading into a crisis
    Chasing the years of my life

    15 there's still time for you
    Time to buy and time to lose yourself
    Within a morning star

    15 I'm all right with you
    15, there's never a wish better than this
    When you only got a hundred years to live

    Half time goes by
    Suddenly you’re wise
    Another blink of an eye
    67 is gone
    The sun is getting high
    We're moving on...

    I'm 99 for a moment
    And dying for just another moment
    And I'm just dreaming
    Counting the ways to where you are

    15 there's still time for you
    22 I feel her too
    33 you’re on your way
    Every day's a new day...

    15 there's still time for you
    Time to buy and time to choose
    Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
    When you only got a hundred years to live

  • Giordano

    By the way Giordano Yellow Brick Road by Elton John came out in the 1970's not the 1980's

    When your right your right Finkelstein. I got distracted when my house caught fire.....actually it was a kitchen issue my wife use's the fire alarm to let her know when dinner is ready.

    Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is the seventh studio album by Elton John, released in 1973. It is regarded as one of his best and most popular.

  • Finkelstein

    Let it be understood that not so talented of music writing can be sold and made into profit from these days, it isn't necessarily about the pertaing value of the music, its more about can it be sold for profit. $$$

    Easy to make rhythmic bass beats from a electronic devise and accompanying basic lyrics can be sold into a million dollar seller, this wasn't realized until the 1980's and forward.

    Add in the use of videos as a vehicle to promote the music/song and not so great music can be pushed into profitability.

    It would seem that that Disco music back in the early 1980's with its constant bass beat, may have influenced the starting point of music that was structured singularly around a bass beat at its focused core.

    These are certainly different times where pornography is rampantly consumed, violence has a stronger presentation in the media such as TV, video games , movies.

    This is what been marketed to teens now days and I would assume is done intentionally and exploitative so.

  • Dagney

    I think there are duds in all generations of music. I adore the American Songbook, but even within that time period there were plenty of inane songs as any other period.

    Very few times in history are there such collaborations that make history compared to the number that tries. They say Lennon and McCarthy could literally write a song in half an hour. Same with Carole King. There are some equally talented writers today.

    That being said, for me, there is some ridiculous music out there today. But I don't listen to it.

    Current music that holds it own...Adele's song choice proves the appeal is more than a powerful voice...the songs/music is great.

  • greenhornet
    I always liked listening to country music, especially listing to it backwards. You get your wife back, you get your dog back, you get out of jail. Etc.
  • sowhatnow

    there is too much variety to say that is the case. depends on where you live I think. no matter what decade it is, our kids music is 'the worse' lol. well, I cant say that about my kids or even my granddaughters music,

    I like a lot of it. but not too much of the radio stuff, Im picky.

    growing up, in the 70s my mom called everything that my one and only worldly friend from school listened to 'satanic'. lol

    that's pink Floyd, Beatles, rolling stones Boston, or whatever was going on then.

    I was a victim of my dads personal record collection..... 50s and early .60s music... nat king cole, frank sinatra, statler brothers, folk music, peter paul mary sort of stuff. and whatever they played in bugs bunny cartoons, yes lol, was my only exposure to 'classical' music. outside the kingdum hall music all i heard was oldies.

    Not until I was MARRIED , at 19,

    did I hear what everyone else was hearing on the radio. by then it was the 80s,

    so for me the 80s and 90s is my music era. and alternative was my favorites.

    I was clueless to heavy metal other than Metallica,

    which i listened to when they came on the radio,

    [in ]

    the problem is, a lot of people dont have the luxury of sirius radio or pandora.

    If only Id have had that when I was 16.

    so were forced to listen to local radio, which is repetitive.

    I was much more lenient with my kids than my mom was with me.

  • finallysomepride

    disagree, how ever music taste is very personal and I won't criticize you for your choice.

    I like most music, with over 3,000 albums in my collection (digital) from classical to heavy metal/grunge, even like a little country & a heap of current popmusic.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Having been a youg man in the 80's 90's, but not exactly an old man now (not yet 40), I would say that while its easy to say this is true, people easily forget how bad popular music can be over they only remember the good things.

    Comparing what a fool believes by the doobie brothers or you wanna be starting something by Michael Jackson in lyrical quality with Taylor Swift or the latest rianna dance song isn't comparing apples and apples. Why not compare "do the hustle" or some other disco abortion with the Lumineers or an up and coming artist Anderson Paak and that lyricism.

    Few people give credit to the present.

    That Lauren Hill letter is 3 years old......still no music. I agree with her summation, but......nobody forces you to sign the contract. And music.

  • JRK

    Terry can always go back to his Kingdom Melodies.


  • Ringo
    6 hours ago
    "From 1955 till Present, popular music has declined to the point where it is now consistently "stupid" and homogenous."

    Agreed! Not of course EVERY song, of every genre, but the good music is overshadowed by the mostly garbage being foisted on the public these days. Just think of songs about cop killing, rape, little red cups, etc. The shining examples of good popular music, whatever genre it is, are getting fewer and further between.

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