I had a bizarre dream the other night

by Freeandclear 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Freeandclear

    Quick recap. I'm 44, been DF'd about a 10 months. Got baptized when I was 18, in and out of the bOrg for years due to guilt. Finally woke up about 4 months ago.

    So I read on here a lot, and I study other things about God and the Bible too, so with all that swimming around in my brain I have some weird dreams now and then. I hardly ever remember my dreams though. Like almost never. I'd say less than once a month do I even remember a little snippet of a dream and then it quickly fades. The other night I had a dream that was so very real, as real as real life and I remembered it for a couple days so I'd like to share it.

    I was at an assembly. I had my beard and I wasn't wearing a suit or anything. I remember in my head I was there as an apostate observer. I was just going for fun, to see what's up or what has changed. I was there with some friends who were also apostates but I can't remember who they were.

    I remember standing in the area outside the main hall doors and it was just this weird creepy vibe. A brother I know came up to me and kind of gave me a knowing look, then moved on. I felt like a spy, like I wasn't supposed to be there.

    We go in and sit down. The hall was a big one with about 70% of the seats empty and everyone who was there was sitting all clumped together in the middle about mid way down. A Bethelite was the speaker and he was very rambunctious and speaking like Bro Lett and all he was talking about was money money money.

    All the attendants were going round taking the count and they were dressed really weird. They had on these very bright colored flowing outfits that looked like feathers but all rainbow colored and they had these long feathery things on the ends of their arms and hands. Very strange. I think they were trying to impress the children and also they were taking donations.

    We stayed and listened for a while and then we were about to leave and I woke up at this point.

    I know it's not a very good dream but it was so real, and when I woke up I just remember thinking "this religion is dying"

    I think there are some symbolic things that can be taken from the dream. Obviously relating to what all I've been reading.

    The small attendance relates to the outflowing of people from the bOrg who are waking up, and all their lying to fudge the numbers to make it seem like things are growing.

    The huddling together in the middle relates to the sheeplike demeanor of the ones who are still in desperately clinging to the "Truth"

    The Bethel brother and his spiel on money reflection the current thrust of the bOrg and their dying numbers of donations coming in.

    The look the former friend and brother gave me symbolizing the fact that many are waking up to the TATT.

    The bizarre dress of the attendants speaks to the more and more bizarre message and the clear depiction of the GB and how bizarre they really are.

    I could go on. I know this post is stupid and boring but I just wanted to share.

  • brandnew

    Far Out that was a totally groovy dream. Throw in a few lava lamps on the stage , and a panda petting zoo in the parking lot and we are going on a fantastic voyage😂😂

    Mad Puppy

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    That's what cult mind control can do to you over time. Influences one's subconscious mind, deeply.

  • theliberator
    I don't completely believe in dream interpretation. However, some dreams, like repetitive ones, or bizarre dreams, may definitely have a meaning for you personally. Your dream seems to capture what many feel on this forum. Namely, that this religion has changed so much and has become so bizarre, that it is unattractive to most people. And of course, the fact that the assembly hall was basically empty, shows just how depressing it has really become. In fact, your dream sounds scary. I had nightmares after discovering TTATT. In my dream, Russell's pyramid was being erected by Rutherford. The pyramid was in two pieces. In my dream, Rutherford was topping off the top of the pyramid with the all seeing eye. This would be repeated several times. The dream had the grain of an old film. I would wake up scared and sweating. Why? It was because I now discovered just how dark and frightening of an organization I was in. An organization that I loved and supported all my life. It was like the moonies. I will never walk into a KH again. For me, that dream has meaning. I am literally scared to death of a KH.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    If your dreams are not too negative and you want to enhance them. Try out some sublingual vitamin B6/ Folic Acid/ B12 and it'll liven up your dreams. Just put the lozenge under your tongue when you're ready for sleep and pleasant dreams.
  • sparrowdown

    I used to dream about JW crap all the time while I was waking up -now, not so much.

  • talesin

    What an excellent dream. Some dreams are about the mind processing. Our brains are active during REM sleep, 'dream time'. And your thoughts upon waking up - so true, what?

    Some people remember a lot of dreams, some not. OMG, you're normal. *grins*

    Good stuff!

  • Acts5v29

    Perhaps the knowing look - while you felt like a spy - showed that he was also aware of the disreputable things which you know. The clumping together of the audience in the centre is herding, as if afraid of spreading. I don't know about the attendants, but their bright colours suggest clowns, while the feathers suggest the illusion of angels.

    All amateur interpretation, I'm afraid, but I've had some very meaningful dreams in the past too.

  • kaik
    Many times dreams reflect your subconsciousness. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, I dreamt several times about his funeral before he died. These dreams were very vivid and detailed and I remember them 20 years later. In my mind I already knew that he was dying but I could not acknowledge it. Dreams can reflect a lot what is on your mind, the state of your mental and physical health, and issues you face in the life. I do have several repeating dreams since childhood with some variations. I never dream about grandparents from my father side; however, I have constant dreams of my mother's parents and their house surrounded by vineyards. I also dream about house I lived as child or current my mom's house, but not about any other place.
  • Perry
    All the attendants were going round taking the count and they were dressed really weird. They had on these very bright colored flowing outfits that looked like feathers but all rainbow colored and they had these long feathery things on the ends of their arms and hands. Very strange. I think they were trying to impress the children and also they were taking donations.

    That's pretty creepy. Just your subconscious trying to make sense of things at the intuitive level.

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