I thought this would be a good time to bump this thread about the infamous February 2022 Watchtower Study article page 2 to be studied this week about putting our implicit 'Trust' in this cult:
Paragraph 9 regarding reassignment of congregations: "At times, we may find it challenging to cooperate with decisions made by the elders. For example, in recent years many congregations and circuits have been reorganized. In some cases, the elders have asked publishers to support a different congregation with a view to making the best use of the seating capacity in our Kingdom Halls. If we are asked to join a new congregation, we may find it difficult to leave friends and family. Do the elders receive divine direction that tells them where to assign each publisher? No. And that fact might make it challenging for us to follow the direction we receive. But Jehovah trusts the elders to make such decisions, and we too need to trust them"
Paragraph 13...regarding disfellowshipped loved ones: "How might our trust in the elders be tested? If the person who is disfellowshipped is not a close friend or a relative, we might readily accept the elders’ decision. But suppose the disfellowshipped person is a close companion."
Paragraph 15...regarding following orders regardless how stupid they sound: "During the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical..."
The oddest thing about this Watchtower Study lesson is WT's wanting to summarize it on a positive note by quoting Isaiah 30:15: “Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.”
They left out the last sentence of that verse: "But you were unwilling".
This verse actually ends in a very negative way: "For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, says: “By returning to me and resting, you will be saved; Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.” But you were unwilling."
Other Translations say: ..."But you refused!"..."But you were not willing!"
Just how stupid are these Watchtower Study Department Writers?