The Watchtower—Study Edition | February 2022 Trust in Jehovah ...We really meant ''the Governing Body''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • notsurewheretogo

    2017 - WT: The GB is neither inspired or infallible and can err in doctrine and organisational matters.

    2021 - WT: You must be obedient to the GB, who can err in organisational direction, when they give out organisational direction that appears illogical, strange or impracticable.

    So how does one know if said direction that is strange, impractical and illogical is correct if they can be wrong?

    The 2013 WT (obey even if not sound from a human standpoint) and the 2021 WT (obey even if illogical, impracticable and strange) cannot be married up with the 2017 WT that advised they can be wrong.

    You cannot solve this equation.

  • truth_b_known
    2017 - WT: The GB is neither inspired or infallible and can err in doctrine and organizational matters.
    2021 - WT: You must be obedient to the GB, who can err in organizational direction, when they give out organizational direction that appears illogical, strange or impracticable.

    2021 - Annual Meeting: The Governing Body, like all the Annointed remaining on Earth, will die before the end. That is to say - You'll be abandoned.


    Not Inspired - Check

    Not Infallible - Check

    Not Logical - Check

    Not Going to be Here When You Need Us the Most - Check

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I already have an idea for a PIMO comment:

    We have recently seen the brothers on video from the website saying that things that are obvious aren't seen by them until it's Jehovah's time for them to see it. And we've had an article in the past where the brothers humbly acknowledged that they're neither inspired nor infallible. And we know the many teachings that we have had to clarify. Plus we have the Bible warning against putting our trust in men.

    In view of all of this it can seem quite reasonable and rational to not put full trust in what the brothers at the helm of the organization are saying. It can seem reasonable and ration to think: well how do we know that this particular advice is really coming from Jehovah and not just from the imperfect brothers who can and have made mistakes in doctrine and direction?

    But this is helping us to see that we should not entertain this kind of rational thinking but should just trust what the brothers say.

  • DesirousOfChange

    But this is helping us to see that we should not entertain this kind of rational thinking but should just trust what the brothers say. Island Man

    While I understand your line of reasoning, I do not think the JW R&F will do so. They have already been told that exact statement with which you conclude your reasoning and they have not batted an eye. They are doing exactly that.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    FFGhost, you remember correctly, when I read "Jehovah" in a WT article I substitute either the WTBTS or the "Governing Body". Several years ago there was a study WT article that was beating up on individuals that were getting tired of the end being around the corner and the article had questions like, "Are you upset with Jehovah for warning his people early but nothing happened?". Just substitute Jehovah with the "governing body or WTBTS". When I read the article again with the substitutions the article seemed to be defending their early warning system of forever calamity howling.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I thought this would be a good time to bump this thread about the infamous February 2022 Watchtower Study article page 2 to be studied this week about putting our implicit 'Trust' in this cult:

    Paragraph 9 regarding reassignment of congregations: "At times, we may find it challenging to cooperate with decisions made by the elders. For example, in recent years many congregations and circuits have been reorganized. In some cases, the elders have asked publishers to support a different congregation with a view to making the best use of the seating capacity in our Kingdom Halls. If we are asked to join a new congregation, we may find it difficult to leave friends and family. Do the elders receive divine direction that tells them where to assign each publisher? No. And that fact might make it challenging for us to follow the direction we receive. But Jehovah trusts the elders to make such decisions, and we too need to trust them"

    Paragraph 13...regarding disfellowshipped loved ones: "How might our trust in the elders be tested? If the person who is disfellowshipped is not a close friend or a relative, we might readily accept the elders’ decision. But suppose the disfellowshipped person is a close companion."

    Paragraph 15...regarding following orders regardless how stupid they sound: "During the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical..."

    The oddest thing about this Watchtower Study lesson is WT's wanting to summarize it on a positive note by quoting Isaiah 30:15: “Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.”​

    They left out the last sentence of that verse: "But you were unwilling".

    This verse actually ends in a very negative way: "For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, says: “By returning to me and resting, you will be saved; Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.” But you were unwilling."

    Other Translations say: ..."But you refused!"..."But you were not willing!"

    Just how stupid are these Watchtower Study Department Writers?

  • Foolednomore

    We are "The Kevin Class," We see through the bullshit Watchtower has produced. We nolonger follow their direction in our lives. We have suffered from all the abuses that Watchtower has dished out, we no longer are going to take it.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    JW literature trains believers to substitute Jehovah + Jesus for the Governing Body.

    As one Elder said to me, "to question the governing body is to question Jehovah- and I won't stand for it!".

  • carla

    Scary shit in my opinion.

  • BluesBrother


    More important, we show Jehovah that we trust in him by cooperating with those whom he trusts to care for us.​—Acts 20:28.”


    Hmm. I wonder how those two elders from Illinois feel reading that? They followed directions to the letter , did not report child abuse and ended up in court some years later. I wonder of the WTS paid their fine…

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