It looks like more “witnesses “ will be brought in, making this trial who knows how long?
It Looks Like Trump’s Trial In The Senate Will Take Longer Than Was Expected
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
They will drag it on as long as possible...
It will be very interesting if John Bolton is questioned in the Senate.
Rub a Dub
This too shall pass- there are not enough votes to convict- when Americans start seeing news of Corona virus deaths , the Senators will lose their bravery- who wants to be cooped up for 6 days a week on a trial that will end up in with the same verdict they knew it would have before it even started?- Once people start wearing face masks in DC, the Senators will quickly tire of the trial- Hey, I could get that virus! We gotta call for a quick Vote on this trial and then a recess, so we can get out of DC ( Bernie has an extra vacation house for my family), before we get infected by the hoi polloi!
President Trump may have to declare a "National Emergency" to fight the corona virus- we finally will get to use the FEMA camps that Obama built.
The impeachment has become all about the Senate elections in November.
It is not about Trump. Trump WILL NOT be put out of office as that would take 67 votes (47 Dems/Indpendents plus 20 GOP) and there simply are NOT 20 GOP senators that will cross the aisle to vote against Trump as that would be political suicide.
However, in November, 33 senators are up for re-election and 19 of these are GOP senators with many in closely contested seats. The strategy on both sides is to gain (or at least not lose) any seats in the senate.
Will a vote for or a vote against bringing in witnesses do the most damage these senators? A vote to call in witnesses will definitely cost them some of the GOP base that they need for re-election. But a vote to "blindly" stick by Trump may cost them needed votes of independents. Be assured that the pollsters are working 24/7 to assess the answers to those questions.
Personally, I think the witnesses run the risk of inflicting more damage to the GOP cause than the risk of refusing to listen to them, thus I suspect the leadership will design a strategic motion to move this BS trial forward without calling Bolton or anyone else.
Doc very good perspective
road to nowhere
Defence witnesses will damage the dems IF the mainstream media actually reports the testimony. So far I have seen little or no neutral reporting. The streaming ended with the presentation of the articles and tv went to regular schedules. The prosecution witness should have been already interviewed instead of now looking for more.
People confuse impeachment (accusation) with conviction.
There is irony in Congress investigating corruption
DoC ...
As Min mentioned, very good perspective.
I sit on the fence on this one, but I am leaning that the Dems would actually have more to gain by NOT having witnesses, even though they are publicly requesting it.
If the Republicans block it and Bolton spills his guts in the book, I think that would have a much more negative impact and perception that they are hiding things.
If it is indeed blocked, I think it would be a huge benefit in the election for the Dems to point out and question what the Orange Man Group is trying to hide.
Rub a Dub
It will drag through spring time - the desperate dems are in dire straights for a miracle. Will continue right up to the election - get President Trump DTR (down the road) to alleviate more corruption being uncovered. This is all about their easy money/political-lifer status - both parties! The poor American taxpayer makes wealth for them - more billions for ole-goat Biden's brood to name just one. Biden's lineage just a fraction of the scenario -- there's so many to shake down and they all skate - skim and skate/gotta love the system! Then there's blathering Bernie off of planet wealth. Looks like head-bobbin/do the limbo slo-mo Ole Hil can't take another loss and is lying low - this week! She just needs a couple of not-half-bad security dudes to brace her up on each arm and be good to go.
Interesting take on it by Gad Saad