The life story in the latest WT has a running theme that keeps popping up: If the organization tells you to do something, you DO it. This culminates in the following anecdote:
We were staying in a
brother’s home right next to a Kingdom Hall.
. . . the circuit overseer’s wife pre-
pared a bath for us. . . To my
surprise, the circuit overseer’s wife had
placed them outside the house in direct
view of the Kingdom Hall where brothers
were helping with the preparations for the
assembly. I asked her for a curtain of some
kind. She brought me a sheet of transpar-
ent plastic! . . . I thought
to myself: ‘The brothers are too busy to
notice that I am taking a bath. And if I don’t
bathe, they will be offended. Let’s get on
with it!’ So I did.
I don't know but a strange example to include to say the least. Bathsheba anyone? 😅
There's a picture of her and her husband with a group of ALL sisters, but they put a little arrow just in case you didn't know which one was Harvey 🤣