Why do Jehovah's Witnesses avoid examining their own religion? An interesting read from Scientific American Magazine.

by Balaamsass2 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skin

    There was a WT quote about 10 years ago that went along the lines of "we (rank & file JWs) dont need to examine the scripture, thankfully the GB have done that for us".

  • Acerbitous

    JWs used to say, they know it's the truth, because they are the only ones preaching the good news, door to door. They might be thinking- Yup, the preaching work phase is over!-- and all they have to do now, is hunker down and wait for the great tribulation.

    Except, a day is like a thousand years to Jehoover, so the GB can logically string this waiting for the end charade along for another generation.

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