Homeopathy and Jehovah's Witnesses.

by jojorabbit 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Is this the same Vogel?

    Click here

    There is no mention of homeopathic products that I could see on a quick scan of the site.

    I have Herbmare in my kitchen, and I like it.

  • HappyDad

    If this dilution theory works for Homeopathy, then I should be able to pour one bottle of beer into a 5 gallon container and then I will have 5 gallons of a liquid that will still give me the buzz I desire.

  • ga1998

    Alfred Vogel durfte ich im Alter von etwa 90 Jahren kennenlernen, er baute sein Altersheim hoch über dem Zürichsee und besuchte dann meine Gemeinde bis zu seinem Tod. Beim Gedächtnismahl nahm er an den Symbolen teil, denn er war seit den Tagen der Bibelforscher dort gewesen. Er war in der Gemeinde nicht sehr aktiv, manchmal sprach er das Schlussgebet, und wenn ich mich recht erinnere, wurde er auch zum Dienstamtsassistenten (MS) ernannt.

    Seine Kompetenz war die Naturheilkunde, die Homöopathie war nur ein kleiner Teil seiner Arbeit. Mit Naturheilmitteln baute er ein 100-Millionen-Unternehmen mit Sitz in der Schweiz auf. Viele, aber nicht alle seiner Manager waren Zeugen Jehovas. Innerhalb und außerhalb der Gemeinde hatte er seinen „Fanclub“, Menschen, die die Ratschläge aus „Der kleine Doktor“ fanatisch praktizierten und massenhaft seine Produkte kauften. Legenden ranken sich vor allem um seine Frauengeschichten. Er war damals mit seiner dritten (?) Frau zusammen und hatte eine geistig behinderte Tochter aus einer früheren Ehe, die in einer nahe gelegenen Klinik lebte. Ich hoffe ich konnte Alfred Vogels Leben ein wenig entzaubern...

  • ga1998
    I had the opportunity to get to know Alfred Vogel at the age of about 90, he built his retirement home high above Lake Zurich and then visited my congregation until his death. At the Memorial he partook of the symbols, for he had been there since the "Bible Students" days. He was not very active in the congregation, now and then he said the closing prayer, and if I remember correctly he was also made a ministry assistant (MS). His competence was naturopathy, homeopathy was only a small part of his work. With natural remedies he built a 100 million company based in Switzerland. Many, but not all of his managers were Jehovah's Witnesses. Inside and outside the congregation he had his fan club, people who fanatically practiced the advice from "Der kleine Doktor" and buyed a huge of his products. Legends were around his women's stories. At this time he was with his third (?) wife and had a mentally handicapped daughter from a previous marriage who lived in a nearby clinic. I hope I was able to disenchant Alfred Vogel's life a little...
  • ga1998
    I had the opportunity to get to know Alfred Vogel when, at the age of about 90, he built his retirement home high above Lake Zurich and then visited my congregation at the time until his death. At the Memorial he partook of the symbols, for he had been there since the Bible Students days. He was no longer very active in the congregation, now and then he said the closing prayer, and if I remember correctly he was also made a ministry assistant (MS). His competence was naturopathy, homeopathy was only a small part of his work. With natural remedies he built a 100 million company based in Switzerland. Many, but not all, of his managers were Jehovah's Witnesses. Inside and outside the congregation he had his fan club, people who fanatically practiced the advice from The Little Doctor and had closets full of his products. Legends were entwined above all around his women's stories. At the time he was with his third (?) wife and had a mentally handicapped daughter from a previous marriage who lived in a nearby clinic. I hope I was able to disenchant Alfred Vogel's life a little...

  • fulltimestudent

    Thanks ga1998 for clarifying some details about A. Vogel. Since my previous post I recalled a memory of Vogel from my disordered ,memory bank.

    It occurred at some National assembly in Sydney (but my memory fails as to what year), I was looking after something to do with visitors to the assembly, and Vogel turned up at my post requiring transport to his accommodation. Everyone else working in that section had finished and I had to get him to wait until I could leave the assembly site, and drove him to his accommodation myself.

    The weekend after I was scheduled to give the PT at Engadine congregation on the south side of Sydney and Vogel turned up (apparently because of the name 'Engadine.').

    Nothing startling, but as ga1998 has already made clear, Vogel was certainly a JW, and I agree his products were oriented more to naturopathy than to homeopathy. Many Jws in Australia (including myself) had and used his book ,'The Nature Doctor.' And, I think I still had one of his 'Bioforce' products in my medicine cabinet until a few years ago. Cant even recall now, what it was and what it was supposed to 'cure.'

    Again, I make the point, that when Samuel Hahnemann conceived his ideas (in the 1790s), what we now call 'medical science' did not exist in any useful form. However, the work of his followers (Homeopaths) in 'proving' (testing) remedies, likely led to a greater knowledge of what health benefits may exist in some plant products.

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