Panda; so, your argument is that 'cause Britain did bad things no Englishman can make any criticism of the USA? That's a pretty dumb argument!
In any case it doesn't influence the topic of the discussion, which was about reasons why Native Americans and blacks were treated so badly for so long, and argyuably still are - although there has been some discussin' over the causes of the Civil War.
You seem to have had a nationalist kneejerk reaction there, never mind.
I'm also not sure about your facts;
In South and Central America the Portuguese and Spanish continued slavery until the 20th century
The data I have show five South American countries abolished slavery in the sixty years before the USA did, followed by Brazil in '88. Please give your sources showing that colonies of Portugual and Spain still allowed slavery in the late 19th and 20th Century.
You also say;
...(add the Phillipines in there)
... what are your sources? For one thing, by 1898 the Philipines was in US control, for another, I could only find statements to the ends there never was a slave trade in the Phillipines .
I agree the Opium Wars were (there were two) totally reprehensible, but cannot see it affecting antipathy and discrimination against Native Americans and blacks in the USA.
I'd also love to see you prove;
So India and Malasia remained virtual slave labor for the Brits and French , also into the 20th century.
... as although they acted in the typical role of colonial powers and colonisers (is Puerto Rico a State of the Union yet?), 'virtual slaves' 'also into the 20th century' seems hyperbolic.
I will look forward to the promised 'more later', and evidence to support your claims.