I feel for this boy. In my wife's family, they had the opposite problem.
My nephew had been attending the meetings off and on until high school, then his mother got reinstated and took him to meetings very regularly. To try to squash his thoughts of attempting to get an athletic scholarship, his mother had a pioneer elder show special attention to him. (Nothing weird or sexual- the pioneer got to count a lot of time, I am sure that was his motive.) So the nephew got baptized before graduation.
Anyway, the nephew graduates high school and was working at the mall in the shoe store. When pressed for his goals, he said he wanted to pioneer and keep working at the shoe store until Bethel would take him. The mother and grandparents (all JW) and many others including my JW wife were very upset at that. They knew Bethel laid off in the past and they knew a young man (especially a young black man) practically needed a trade or a degree.
I laughed and sighed at the same time. I said to them, "Isn't this what you wanted?" They knew I was mocking a bit.
Anyway, he never got called to Bethel. He never got motivated to take any college or trade classes. He still has that job and pioneers and lives at home with no car in a semi-rural area where you need a car.