Well, I got myself in a dilemma. I'm currently 18, being baptised for a year. I had my doubts, but due to a variety of reasons (getting subtle flack for not baptised, not having a support system even if I wanted to leave). So I did it hoping my faith would be stronger. And it worked for a while, but I couldn't keep ignoring my doubts. I did more research, and I found this religion isn't true at all. I try to make my family see that, but they offer flimsy excuses for concerns. Considering they're quite strict and I had no one, I just decided to grunt and bear it seeing I couldn't couldn't leave either way...
Until I met my boyfriend. I met him at time where I thought I could be content with faking it the rest of my life. He made me realize I didn't deserve to be completely unhappy just because I wanted to stay close to my family. Throughout our relationship, he's been completely understanding of my situation. Even introduced me to his family, who love me dearly (his own mom said she already considers me family). He isnt in the best place right now, but has made incredible strides since we started dating so, in his words, "we both can get on our feet and support each other." As each day passes, he shows me more and more of his world, a world I very much want to be apart of. Sounds great, right?
Well, except for the fact of my family. Despite having put me through a lot, I love them and don't want to lose them. One friend gave me the advice to just fade as soon as I move out so they won't have to shun me. Another said just disassociate so I can move on fully and not be harassed by the witnesses. I honestly dont know how to go about the situation. I know I'd have he support of my boyfriend and his family, but I'd like to keep my family and friends too. How do you think I should go about my exit plan? Any ideas, similar experiences? Just reply if ya do!