<font color=purple>WOOHOO!!!!!!</font>
ONE WEEK until I step off the plane in PCB with FreeFallin' and get to feel the warm sand in my toes!!!! Oh! And see Joy and Steve again, too!
I am SO looking forward to WARM weather. That cold front you got, Joy? It came here, too, only about 25 degrees colder!!! I've had to cover my mums from frost TWICE already. I am starting to drink tea for the hand warming properties alone...
Can't decide on what my costume should be. I had an idea, but not sure I like it anymore. So I have two OTHER options.... I'll have to make a run to the local Party Store (not the corner cigs/liquor kind) and see what they've got.
I'm bringing pumpkin carving tools and patterns and won't forget a few bottles of wine, either. Got the scary music CD. I was thinking of making my Nana's apple cake when I get there, if Andy's kitchenettes are workable. It's more like a deep-dish pie, actually. Just point me in the direction of the local Goodings.
Jumping up and down in anticipation!