Questions Re October 2019 Watchtower

by DNCall 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DNCall

    In the October 2019 Watchtower, in the article "1919--One Hundred Years Ago" it states:

    "But the brothers at headquarters could not just resume the work that they had been doing for years. Why not? Because during their imprisonment, all the printing plates that were used to print literature had been destroyed. This was discouraging, and some brothers wondered if the preaching work was finished."

    Does anyone know why all the printing plates were destroyed during the officers' imprisonment?

    I can understand destroying the plates for "The Finished Mystery" due to its underlying the charges against Rutherford, et al. But why all the plates?

    It's no wonder that, one hundred years later, the same "Theocratic Warfare" is practiced whereby congregation records are shredded and older literature is purged from Kingdom Hall libraries and online access.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    DNCall - I don't know why the printing plates were destroyed (and I haven't read the Oct 2019 WT) but I remembered this from the Revelation Grand Climax book (chap. 21 pp. 129-131) - is it possible they destroyed the printing plates themselves because they thought they were going off to heaven?

    Quote starts-

    A Time for Fervent Prayer

    A significant silence this! Half an hour can seem a long time when you are waiting for something to happen. Now, even the constant heavenly chorus of praise is no longer heard. (Revelation 4:8) Why? John sees the reason in vision: “And another angel arrived and stood at the altar, having a golden incense vessel; and a large quantity of incense was given him to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones upon the golden altar that was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense ascended from the hand of the angel with the prayers of the holy ones before God.”—Revelation 8:3, 4.

    3 This reminds us that under the Jewish system of things, incense was burned daily at the tabernacle and, in later years, at the temple in Jerusalem. (Exodus 30:1-8) During such incense burning, the nonpriestly Israelites waited outside the sacred area, praying—no doubt silently in their hearts—to the One to whom the incense smoke was ascending. (Luke 1:10) John now sees something similar happening in heaven. The incense offered by the angel is associated with “the prayers of the holy ones.” In fact, in an earlier vision, incense is said to represent such prayers. (Revelation 5:8; Psalm 141:1, 2) Evidently, then, the symbolic silence in heaven is to allow the prayers of the holy ones on earth to be heard.

    4 Can we determine when this happened? Yes, we can, by examining the context, together with historical developments early in the Lord’s day. (Revelation 1:10) During 1918 and 1919, events on earth harmonized remarkably with the scenario described at Revelation 8:1-4. For 40 years before 1914, the Bible Students—as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then called—had been announcing boldly that the times of the Gentiles would end in that year. The distressful events of 1914 proved them correct. (Luke 21:24, King James Version; Matthew 24:3, 7, 8) But many of them also believed that in 1914 they would be taken from this earth to their heavenly inheritance. That did not happen. Instead, during the first world war, they endured a time of severe persecution. On October 31, 1916, the first president of the Watch Tower Society, Charles T. Russell, died. Then, on July 4, 1918, the new president, Joseph F. Rutherford, and seven other representatives of the Society were transported to the Atlanta, Georgia, penitentiary, wrongly sentenced to long years in prison.

    5 The sincere Christians of the John class were perplexed. What did God want them to do next? When would they be taken up to heaven? An article entitled “The Harvest Ended—What Shall Follow?” appeared in the May 1, 1919, issue of The Watch Tower. It reflected this state of uncertainty and encouraged the faithful to continued endurance, adding: “We believe it is now a true saying that the harvest of the kingdom class is an accomplished fact, that all such are duly sealed and that the door is closed.” During this difficult period, the fervent prayers of the John class were ascending, as though in the smoke of a large quantity of incense. And their prayers were being heard!

    End of quote

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I understood that the WT did not print their own literature at that time anyway. It was only about 1930 that they got their own presses to print literature. Before that they hired outside firms to do all the printing. If my recollection is correct, I don't know how meaningful it is to state that áll the plates have been destroyed''.

  • sir82
    For 40 years before 1914, the Bible Students—as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then called—had been announcing boldly that the times of the Gentiles would end in that year. The distressful events of 1914 proved them correct.

    But many of them also believed that in 1914 they would be taken from this earth to their heavenly inheritance.

    Ya gotta love it.

    When we appear to get it right, "we're" correct.

    But when we get it wrong, well, it was "you guys" ("many of them") who were wrong.

    Newsflash, dimbulbs who wrote the above quote: The very same WT articles & Studies in the Scriptures books that proclaimed 1914 as the "end of the Gentile Times" also proclaimed 1914 as the year when Armageddon would start and the faithful would go to heaven.

    The. Very. Same. Articles. And. Books.

    I don't know why their revisionist history and deceitful phrasing bothers me so, I ought to be used to it, they've been doing it for over 100 years....but it still does.

  • sir82

    If you are inclined to feel some odd mixture of pity & disgust, all you have to do is read the JWTalk nitwits' comments on the article here:

  • Crazyguy2
    wasn't the finish mystery book still in print but they just had to not put in a few pages where they encouraged people to stop supporting the government and fighting in WW1? I smell a rat and don’t think any printing plates were actually destroyed.
  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Just noticed this in OP quote:-

    "...all the printing plates that were used to print literature had been destroyed. This was discouraging, and some brothers wondered if the preaching work was finished."

    So printing literature = preaching work. Who on earth thinks that because printing plates have been destroyed they don't have to communicate anymore?

    Question - did Jesus teach his disciples to PRINT literature or to just go out talking to others about the good news. Yes the scriptures existed and the gospels etc were added but they were hand written. Its like saying, "because my pen ran out of ink I thought the preaching work was done."

  • steve2

    Since its incorporation as a business in 1879, The Watchtower Society was above all else a printery. The idea that printing their own literature only started post world war one is incorrect. Sure, some literature may have been printed by non-Watchtower companies - but the bulk has always been printed by the organization itself.

  • smiddy3

    If you are inclined to feel some odd mixture of pity & disgust, all you have to do is read the JWTalk

    I couldn`t bring myself to read the WT articles themselves but the comments about those articles says it all.

    The fear mongering that`s presented to the R&F of JW`s about what the Governments are about to do to them in the coming GT and the big A , that is now so close at hand ,surely would be of some concern to the relevant Governments about a possible Jonestown or similar event happening within the JW religion.

    And they may need to act pro-actively to prevent such a situation which in turn would more likely validate the R&F member that JW`s are the true religion .

    And the End Is Near .

    Isn`t what the WT now presents in the WT /JW.Org presentations a form of hate speech against the Governments / police ,inciting a fear and distrust and a possible rebellion against such authority.?

    The mind boggles .

  • Afterburn
    The very same WT articles & Studies in the Scriptures books that proclaimed 1914 as the "end of the Gentile Times" also proclaimed 1914 as the year when Armageddon would start and the faithful would go to heaven.

    sir82, that is the post 1914 spin J.F. Rutherford put on what they had been teaching for 40 years prior to 1914, in his infamous False Hope campaign entitled "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die!" that ran from 1918 through 1922 and tripled the number of adherents to the fledgling movement.

    Prior to 1914, as late as 1889, they were still ardently predicting that 1914 was the time for the end of the great trouble (the great tribulation), and specified, very clearly, this was not the date for the beginning of that time of great trouble. They predicted that all institutional human powers on earth would be reduced to nothing and the world would be in total anarchy, to make ready for the Millennial Reign which was due to commence before 1915.

    That's why they were known as Millennial Dawnists.

    Their penchant for revising their own historical record started very early. "Pastor" Russell frequently spoke as though his teachings had been correct even after changing his doctrines to mutually exclusive ones. This habit is one of the most reliably consistent features of the cult down to this very day.

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