why do jws hate pagans?

by nowawake14 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowawake14

    Paganism from my view is just a mental fantasy. It's not real. So why do jws get mad at it anyway?

    I have a neutral stance with holidays and such. Well, true, holidays are fiction, and they are really just nothing. (Santa claus, vampires, etc.) And the jws are STILL fuming over fiction. Go figure. My us. them mentality cooled off. In the end, I'm not intentionally trying to speak against paganism itself. I just don't personally believe in it but still respect it. :)

  • NVR2L8

    I think the JW definition of pagan is often blurred with unbeliever. When I first told my still JW wife that I had attended my last meeting as we were returning from the district convention she replied that she didn't want to be married to a pagan. I hadn't done anything a pagan would do, I no longer believed what I listened to during those last 3 days, especially the overlapping generation nonsense. Being called a pagan hurt me more than if she had called me an unbeliever. My comeback was that it would be the only time I would overlook this threat to our marriage. The next time it would be the end. She never called me a pagan again and it's been over 9 years. We just agreed not to let religion get between us. It still does with meeting attendance but I fill the void with doing sports or other enjoyable activities on my own. Maybe one day she will come around...

  • Tameria2001

    The ironic part about the whole pagan debate with the JW is that almost everything involved in a JWs life started out with pagan origins.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Their brand must remain untarnished.

    But so long as your actions do not tarnish the brand (you do good cover ups) you can get away with whatever you want to do.

    The source of a their false doctrine is pagan. From what I can see, it all goes back to Theosophy, also called Theo Sufism. It is much tied up with seeking to destroy the Christian faith. Also Anarchy, Communism and celebrity (via Lord Byron who influenced the early Decemberists).

  • blondie

    I think jws tend to lump in everyone in the group called "pagans." Even Christian non-jws are lumped in because the WTS labels them as so-called Christians who follow pagan practices, unknowingly.

    Of course, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., never identified as Christians, so are definitely pagans per the WTS.

  • rickroll

    The JWs will say they don't hate anyone that is why they preach. But they will say they hate all religions that are not JW.

  • blondie

    Good point, rickroll, the WTS teaches jws to hate any other religion (all under the control of Satan per them), but not to hate individual members, at least not until the WTS' god decides that time is up for those individuals to change membership to the "only true religion" the WTS/jws.

    I have heard non-jw spouses described as "walking corpses" on the platform of a circuit assembly. One of the reasons I left that day.

  • tiki

    It is just a word with a negative connotation they love to toss around...anyone or anything not them is pagan. It reinforces their notion that they alone are loved and blessed by God.

  • WTWizard

    Paganism, before it was tainted with Judaism and later christi-SCAM-ity and islam, was beneficial to the soul. The jokehovian witless religion intentionally teaches people to stay away from what is good for the soul, and thus bans everything that is pagan. Other xian and islam religions do this, but not always to the same extent. And, since even the watered down versions of paganism we have today can do at least some good, joke-hova hates even that.

    Anyone else notice, for instance, how they are trying to banish our holidays of Halloween and Christmas? Even Kwanzaa, which is being used to squash Christmas, is a corrupted version of Lammas Day that has been taken out of its rightful place around the first of August. And hence, the jokehovians even ban that, as corrupt and watered down as it is, because it is better than nothing.

  • peacefulpete

    Ps 139: 21Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD, and detest those who rise against You? 22I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them as my enemies.…

    Verses like this are why many hate rival religions. The question is for us today, Is this the road to peace?

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