Some have done it for a while but in the last couple of years most all of the JWs from my old congregation and others I know have privatized the FB and other social pages. I wonder if its just happenstance or if its come down from on high to shut this off to further keep them isolated from the apostates?
I noticed that a lot if not all JWs I watch on FB now have private Freinds and photos
by mickbobcat 12 Replies latest jw experiences
stan livedeath
you say you watch others on facebook..a question...
is there anyway a facebook user can see who is or has been watching them ?
Some JWs either deactivated their FB or changed settings.. I now only have FB friends who are relatives or friends from the old neighborhood before I got involved with the religion.
A brother who used FB to send a preachy PM advising me to look at the religion’s videos might have been surprised when I HAD looked at one.. I sent a politely worded PM of what I thought about all the asking for $$ when they told people not to get careers. Afterwards, his account looked to be deactivated. 🙄
Also noteworthy:..another JW must’ve had two lists of friends (probably those In and those Out) because my name wasn’t always visible on his Friends list..When I visited his profile and finally saw my name visible - I promptly unfriended him.
We are too far along in time that I would even care what these Witnesses (who were no more than acquaintances back in the day)..think about me or anything for that matter.
I use to get a fiery return to Gee-hober PM from self righteous ones I use to know when I was in. After getting too many from brother and sister BooFoo better Then you. I decided to unfriend anyone from my JW past who starts in with their crap.
I think it’s perhaps a wider trend on Facebook. In fact, is Facebook in general going out of fashion? I think there are growing signs it’s past its peak.
JWs really seem to prefer WhatsApp. They like the control over who gets to join the group or even know of the group’s existence. (I know this can be done on Facebook too, but on WhatsApp it is standard)
Often there are semi official WhatsApp groups maintained by group elders for spreading official instructions and information. (Such as meeting times, and basic health news of members)
Plus there are informal groups that are tolerated by the elders but tend to be run by non elders and have more arbitrary rules over who is invited and not invited. These informal groups rarely include substantial information or gossip, which would be frowned upon, especially in tangible written form. Instead the posts mainly consist of funny videos and memes and self-congratulatory comments about JWs. Their most important functions seem to arise around who gets to control the group, whose groups are most popular, what topics and posts they deem out of order, and who are invited and not invited to join the group. They are an online instantiation of the kind of social ordering, outcasting, and information control that has always gone on inside congregations.
I think it’s perhaps a wider trend on Facebook. In fact, is Facebook in general going out of fashion? I think there are growing signs it’s past its peak.
What I have noticed anecdotally is that kids don’t seem to use Facebook as much. It seems to be becoming an older person’s platform. I think kids use others, such as Instagram etc.
Often there are semi official WhatsApp groups maintained by group elders for spreading official instructions and information. (Such as meeting times, and basic health news of members)
I personally don’t know of JWs using Whatsapp, but it would not surprise me. For some reason, Whatsapp doesn’t seem to be as popular in Australia as in other countries (although I personally think Whatsapp is a fantastic app). I think it is seen a bit as an encrypted communication app that drug dealers would use.
i seem to notice lots of dubs don’t have any trace of being a jw on facebook. No assembly pictures, no links, no bible quotes , nothing.
I belonged to a closed jw face book group when I was PIMI. To be honest I found it pretty lethargic and a waste of time. Other than how wonderful it is to be in Jehovah’s organisation, it didn’t really seem to go past that. Btw the moderators certainly kept their finger on the pulse and anything negative got you blocked.
stan livedeath
a few years back some of us had a bit of fun on a jw facebook dating site. i ended up having my facebook account shut down. still got 2 others though.