First of all, wish to congratulate you on successfully solving this mystery and providing so much
specific detail. Admittedly, several years ago I had worked on this and was unable to establish who
Anthony Morris was. In investigating the question it only led to more questions.
As of late, I have not stopped by to look at JWs dot com as frequently as before. I was not a JW and as time has passed, whatever emotional stir interaction with the organization had caused... Well, you just have to move on
because there is so much else to do.
Nonetheless, looking back at the investigation that went on several years ago, I believe we were looking around to find some evidence of a Tony Morris involved in protest of the war or anti-war demonstration or court martial on such account. Evidently there was no such thing. ... So who started that rumor?
But this further investigation clears a lot of that up. Long or short, AMIII puts his pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. He is entitled to believe what he likes, but a lot of what he was doing was Ozzian Wizardry.
Did not endure past one hour, but I did notice a couple of items. Casual, from my own military experience was usually a holding tank between assignments doing odd jobs. I suspect the three letter code was ARN rather than ABN. I don't know what ARN means, but neither were likely related to airborne. Were that the case, his
records might have reflected "wings" somewhere or more specific training related to flying. Wings are not necessarily a ribbon, but there are medals or citations associated with flying status.
JWs should pay close attention as well to AM3's VA benefits. One way he could have passed the time in RI would be with schooling through the same program. he obtained his home loan. It's not that I have anything against it, but there are suggestions that in his official position he has.
Best regards,