OK - I get the same result as I got before.
The East Saginaw St KH is listed first with the two congregations that meet their listed alphabetically, ie:
First: East Lansing - MI (USA)
Second: Okemos - MI (USA)
The fact that I can't replicate your results means something is going on - which may be device specific - and it is highly unlikely to be based on congregation territory.
BUT I note that when using 'any language' - the E and F congregations at North East St are not listed alphabetically for me - that may be a 'foreign language' issue, but alphabetically English (cong F) is before Spanish (cong E), and the two letter codes the WT use are EN (English) and ES (Spanish).
From the programming side I would expect some kind of 'listing order' to be used, if only to speed up the results.
Interestingly the other congregation identifier that WT uses is the 'congregation number' (used internally for literature and magazine shipping etc etc) - this could explain the results in my earlier post where I have most, but not all the data, but numerical order by congregation number could be what is happening to my results (and by coincidence they're alphabetical aswell) - but again interesting that I can't replicate your results using the same location.
You could be in any one of three congregations - I would say unlikely to be East Lansing (they'll probably have enough territory in the built up areas) which leaves either St Johns or Owosso - but it's anybody's guess....