New Study Bible Photos!

by Atlantis 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Listener

    Thanks Atlantis.

    Someone posted that these Bibles won't be available until the end of next year. This means that those Slaves that were invited to the Meeting are even more privelaged having received a copy of this illustrated book. They'll be able to flash it around in front of the under privelaged slaves. A bit like the Kings guests being served Kobe Beef whilst the servants eat sausages.

    No doubt, the Bethelite Slaves were ordered to keep silent about this as they were slaving day after producing it.

    One of those photos shows images and is even headed as images. As I mentioned on another post, it is no different to having these images in their most holiest books than having pictures or carved objects displayed inside a Church. I think whoever decided to call these bible pictures 'images' is having a good laugh.

    In that image that is being shown in the photo, I wonder why they have a young boy dangling a fish in front of him.

    But what is interesting is the amount of cost the Watchtower is willing to go to, not to do their most important work of baptising people/recruiting them but for those that are already captive in the organization.

  • alanv

    The org are desperate to hang onto people who are baptised and generally ok with the governing body. The org are trying all sorts of ways to keep these in. Main thing is telling them not get into debates with anyone. Once they perceive that somebody is asking too many questions, the jdubs are told to walk away. We are seeing this on the doors, with the carts and also with people who phone kingdom halls with questions.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Atlantis, I'll drink to that. Google (Android 8.0 Oreo)

  • smiddy3

    It`s not even half a Bible SF , and it wont be available to the R&F until the end of next year ? How many different versions of the Bible Text does a person need ?

    The Holy Bible is the inspired word of GOD ,.... Oh yeah ? which version / translation ?

    Humans have been debating for centuries which translation /text/manuscript /etc, has the correct meaning of GOD`s word ,to tell us what is the truth ? even disputing the pronunciation of his name , all resulting in over 40,000 different Christian sects that we have today .

    Yet the author of the Bible ,GOD with his Holy Spirit , continues to remain silent ,why is that ? After all of these centuries ?

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    A thicker bible means heavily sedated jdumbs in studying more info on bible and prep for meetings. No way will they have time away for any fun and dance!


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    looks like it will pack a punch if thrown at ...


  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Are there blank Bible illustrations at the back of this publication for Bethelites & elders to colour in with their crayons?

    Looks like "The Bible For Dummies."

  • SadElder

    Not to insult the nameless artist, but the two "images" shown seem a bit infantile to me. Is that the best they can do these days? Must be more cut backs in the art department.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    So, in place of solid Bible commentary with new or expanded scholarly insights, we get a glitzy revenue-generating quasi -bible...looks like the art department now outranks the writing and research gang. Gone forever the day of concordances and interlinear editions of the Christian Greek scriptures... just pricey pablum for the masses..

    I just wonder: How many present-day JWs even know what a concordance is?

  • BluesBrother

    I’ll second that , Room 215, very well said. It’s a point not lost on many older dubs who are at a loss with the current video /IPad techno society that it has become.

    From what we see, this is background to the scriptures served on a plate , nothing that could not be found by a google search , but that requires a little brain power and effort to lift one finger .

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