You nailed it TW but I would rather say the rank and file are under a spell and they are sleep walking. The are spiritually unconscious, poisoned, third eye blind. Thats my opinion.
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard 40 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting video on the Mandela Effect
Great! So this is what growing old is going to be like? At least it will be entertaining... Maybe we got "Luke, I am your father from Tommy Boy" and Darth Vader actually said, "NO, I am your father." But I could have sworn he said, "Luke I am your father" as I said that jokingly all the time. Maybe I was copying Tommy Boy:
Terry says ....
The EVIL SLAVE who has gotten away with all this shit simply because all their Chronology is unjustified and THE MASTER HAS DELAYED.
So in reality according to Scripture the WTS is the evil slave that professed false teachings and prophecies.
ie. ...... mankind hasn't been living in the last days all during the 20th century.
.....and yes the WTS heads did proclaimed they were modern day faithful prophets, even though many JWS deny this fact .
Why, because the WTS lied when they said they never stated they had self identified themselves as modern day prophets.
Jws eat up the lies the WTS heads (GB) feed them.
Right on Finkelstein ... It still gets me that I have not found this Watchtower quote anywhere online, including or this website until very recently and it is on Maybe I missed it in my search. I don't know but this is the quote again almost 3 years old now, like I said, maybe I missed something:
"Finally, we examined why Jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation. So, then, all three “whens” apply to the same future time period—the great tribulation. How does this adjusted view further affect our understanding of the illustration of the faithful slave?" Watchtower Study Edition July 2013
Edit: Ok, I did find it on this site quoted a year ago just now:
With that change they say there was never a FDS until 1919 is extraordinary, not even the disciples were FDSs. They are also basically calling all JWs back then who said Russell was the FDS, liars, even Rutherford stated he was.
This allows them to throw Russell and all of his kooky pyramidology under the bus. He was never chosen by JC and he was never part of the F&DS......just another good guy who was searching for Truth.Doc -
All those years we have been giving them our belonging$. Maybe we can get our belonging$ back now that they admit they had no right to them. Is this not logical? They misrepresented themselves and admitted it, closed case. When did Jesus say to build Kingdom Halls? I thought he said my father does not dwell in hand made temples? Didn't the Israelites build hand made temples? What was his point? I thought they met in homes or outside in large groups by lakes and on mountains. I thought he healed and fed the people at no cost and said we could do greater works than he did. I thought he said he would send a helper, holy spirit and to have no leader but him. Don't think, just do, we will do the thinking for you, you can't understand Gods WORD on your own. God appointed us to lead you in 1919. Jesus is not your mediator, he is ours, we are yours. Drink the cool-aide... the door to heaven is shut, don't partake but be there to pass on dinner while we eat! Don't forget to touch the glass and pass. Go from door to door and pass judgment with a date stamped on it. Sounds like a different teaching to me... I want my belonging$ back. How about you? They admit they were not appointed over them so give them back!
They went to because they are going to dump the Watchtower too, that's my guess.
Here is an entire website devoted to DEBUNKING the various examples of the Mandela Effect
"The aim of this site is unique amongst the current offerings online to attempt to dissect the possible causes and solutions for this perplexing phenomenon with a scientific, rational approach. If you’ve come to read about the merging of universes, alternate timelines, and time travel then you are in the wrong place. It is of my opinion that the Mandela Effect is a real thing; however, steeped in the realm of sociology and psychology and not science fiction." (Quote from site)
Mandela Effect or not. It has been nearly three years since this statement in the Watchtower and very few are quoting it within the last year. Its not even on yet. I realize it could just be oversight but it sure seamed like a Epic statement to me.
"Finally, we examined why Jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation. So, then, all three “whens” apply to the same future time period—the great tribulation. How does this adjusted view further affect our understanding of the illustration of the faithful slave?" Watchtower Study Edition July 2013
problemaddict 2
Mandela effect it is not. That is just absolute looney tunes.
But i can see that this could seem like something that was"missed". the issue is that they didn't change much. they are still the FDS in 1919. You still have to follow the slave. So in that sense, nothing has changed. That also means that in terms of authority, nothing has really changed. What has changed is the "appointment over the domestics".
I suppose my follow up question would be, does 1919 now hold ZERO significance for JW's?