Rise and shine, little ones!! This is the day I'm going to become a Master Member (no comments from you Obiwan!). Seems I only need twenty-seven (27) more posts and I hit the big time.
Well, by golly, today is the day. Enough of this pussy-footin' 'round. Time to take charge. Lead the way. and so on and so forth...
But, beyond all that, the fact remains...can I do it? Twenty-seven posts? I know that comes as natural as breathing to some of you <glancing at tink and Frannie>. I know I can chat with the best of them...but post? That takes thinking! Reviewing! Spell-check!! Wait a minute...spell-check? ok...forget the spell-check. I think you get my drift.
Oh well, it's a challenge I've given myself and one I'm going to achieve. Could get a little tricky while I'm at work...but what the hell? It's only theft of company time. No biggie!
Lisa of "if you're comin' with me...you'll need a fast horse" class
p.s. Y'all mean so very much to me. You know who you are...I can't thank you enough for making this silly redhead feel right at home. <bighugstoyouallcuzfromtimetotimeweneedtoberemindedthatpeopledocareandthatweareimportantinthisworldkindathingy>