Circuit visit elders meeting

by Saltheart Foamfollower 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    First some context to this post. Historically the elders meeting with the circuit overseer has had the following format : outline for meeting including ministerial servants then, after they have been dismissed, discussion of local issues. The last visit there was an additional outline for the elders only, the notorious "gender blurring" discussion.

    You might wonder what is being discussed this time round, so here you are:

    Disaster preparedness - each elder should have an up to date list of all publishers and contact details. A local needs item should take place annually to remind all to have emergency supplies etc ready. This is all from BOE Jan 6 2012 which I thought they had just quietly forgotten about.

    Next was a discussion about cart witnessing - nothing new but it obviously isn't being shelved anytime soon.

    Keeping up to date with theocratic direction was mentioned and how the midweek meeting was going was also reviewed as well as a check on shepherding being done properly.

    So, nothing dramatic this time, until you realise that that there is absolutely nothing about handling cases of child abuse, which many of us recognise as the biggest issue currently facing the society.


  • dbq407
    I always wondered what was discussed at these meetings. The elders locally always seemed scared of the c.o. and dreaded when he visited. But that probably depends on the c.o. also.
  • Heaven

    My Dad told me the CO "came to stir up trouble."

  • hoser
    I've heard some of the elders call the co by his last name only before or after his visit. A sign of disrespect in these parts.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Those meetings could be so tedious. So many "special" meetings, with absolutely nothing special about them.


    Sounds like the same recycled BS. They WISH some real problems like the GT would happen! They are bored out of their minds.

    Perhaps all the Pedo stuff will hit the fan soon? They'll wish for boredom on that day.


  • NewYork44M
    My last elder/CO meeting was in the 1990s. It sounds like nothing has changed. I remember the CO being so unengaged in the conversation. It was worse than an IRS audit.
  • stuckinarut2
    And the usual reminders that they are "stars in Jesus right hand"...
  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Onlyest thing I remember from CO visit elders-meetings was Dan Skinner going to lengths to ensure that the cheques had Watchtower spelled correctly- capital W- not two words- no hyphen- do not hold up the cash!

  • Atlantis


    Thank you very much for the update!



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