No way, man. That's bad Karma. That's how the holocaust happened.
If the Gov. where you live outlawed the JWs would you turn in your family?
by blownaway 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. -
If JWs were banned and I knew of ones that were still witnessing etc I would take pics and blackmail them - nah, just kidding. -
No, I wouldn't
No way. I would not turn on my family.
No I wouldn’t. And I would load up my AR15 and defend my family against such a tyrannical government, even if it means death.
No matter how much my family has hurt me by shunning me, I love them dearly and let go of my resentment long ago.
Liberty or Death.
Don’t Tread on Me.
No, I could never directly cause a negative law enforcement encounter in such a paradigm.
In fact, I'd hope such a situation would cause my insane cult family to take a step back, and ease up on the strident cultiness.
If they stupidly persisted in their religious behaviour and caused their own law enforcement encounter - well, that's on them. I'd loathe living in such a society, anyways - and I would never rat and cause someone to lose their liberty for shitty reasons. -
I Faded Twice
No because my family hasn't turned on me. I think theyr'e would be a few non family rats I would turn in though. Because Karma can be a bitch sometimes!