Call for investigation into JW child abuse in the Netherlands

by Anders Andersen 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot
    NL Times has a short report in English:


    For a second, I thought the headline said "...pedophiles resort".

    Understandable, I suppose, all things considering.

  • joe134cd

    Wasn't it in the Netherlands where scientology lost it tax free status or was banned.

  • Anders Andersen
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Sounds good. Actually scratch that. I have no idea what the heck they are saying in the radio. Not one word. Could you give us the gist of it?

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Yeah sorry.

    Basically the Commissioner states that her concern is not whether abuse within JW is more prevalent, a child abuse is everywhere (churches, sports clubs, foster care), especially in situations where there is some level of authority.

  • redpilltwice
    Sounds good. Actually scratch that. I have no idea what the heck they are saying in the radio. Not one word. Could you give us the gist of it?

    Well never a jw, I know Dutch must sound horrible to some, but at least you should have reckognised the word ''Jehovah´s'' as part of ''Jehovah´s getuigen'', which means.... tadaah... Jehovah´s witnesses.

    Now let me give you the gist of it...

    The national commisioner was asked about the situation around JW child abuse and the lady correctly stated that the problem is everywhere, not only with JW´s but also within the RCC, youth institutions and sports clubs. She pointed out that in the case of JW´s, the problem lies with the two-witnesses rule as applied by the jw church who both investigates and judges. That conflicts with the rights of any child and that problem has to be dealt with.

    So, nothing we did not already know, but hey, now finally the general public is informed on a scale we were hoping for! They might not visit ''apostate'' sites, but they do read papers and listen to the radio!

  • redpilltwice

    Sorry for the double post Anders, it took me too long I see.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Thank you Anders and Redpill. Translation and commentary are appreciated

    Oh. I almost forgot. Thank you for the language lesson. I went back and I was able to recognize "Jehovah" at least three times. The "witnesses" part not so well. But it's a start

  • Vidiot

    I thought that was Germany.

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