And let's say you found out this doctor was wrong on his prescription and you called him out on it and he said:
"Well, yes I made a mistake, but medical knowledge gets brighter and brighter and so it's normal for me to make mistakes. "
by stuckinarut2 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And let's say you found out this doctor was wrong on his prescription and you called him out on it and he said:
"Well, yes I made a mistake, but medical knowledge gets brighter and brighter and so it's normal for me to make mistakes. "
Good illustration. Will definitely make someone think.
Great point redvip2000!!
Yes, Pete Zahut!
Isn't it amazing that the Bible seems to be a one way street with Witnesses?
After all "the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear!"
I love your illustration, StuckinaRut2!
Realllllly, really, really, really..... we would not trust that Doctor!
Heck, I wouldn't even trust the hairdresser!
But somehow, somehow...... they still trust the BORG!
Well...if your doctor said his accreditors gave him an invisible medical degree and four years later said Blue Cross, Blue Shield chose him as the only competent doctor in the area, but that they wouldn't issue a press release and weren't answering their phones, well, I'd have to check his prices.
The doctor could just say he works in mysterious ways