Is this just a coincidence? Is Trump a “super spreader”? Is this a Republican payback? It’s just weird that all of a sudden everyone within Trump’s orbit gets stricken.
Everyone Around Trump Is Getting The Virus Including Joint Chief if Staff ...what’s going on???
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
It's not surprising at all to me when you look at how the president and his staff are treating this pandemic.
It doesn't matter to the virus if one is a president, a star or a poor person.
It's a highly contagious virus. What's to understand?
It doesn't surprise me anymore, I got several relatives who got the virus, were sick a few days, quarantine a couple of weeks and back to work. A lot of my relatives are in the trades and how can you NOT get the virus if you are a plumber and dealing with human waste.
It's a highly contagious virus. What's to understand?
I'm not sure it is as contagious as we all imagine. I think many more people would have had it by now if it were.
There are lots of cases where contacts can be traced and yes, some people did get it it, but many more who would have been exposed didn't. So it's not like some super-duper contagion that is inevitable.
It seems like such an easy political attack to try to 'cause your opponents camp to be infected, I can't imagine that either side haven't contemplated it and wouldn't be surprised if one did.
But it could just be chance and then a group that have lots of interactions. But still suspect when they successfully avoided it at the peak of the initial wave and we're now weeks from the election.
The timing couldn't be more perfect ... for the dems and we have recently learnt of numerable dirty tricks they have pulled, I don't think anything would be beneath them. Things that make you go "hmmn"
Yes it makes you go hmmmm when only certain people get it.
JW GoneBad
Oh crap...Now the Democrats are involved in some covert, espionage-like activities involving the pandemic!
How about this jaundice looking President's carelessness finally caught-up to him!
Hmm , like the 35million certain people that allegedly have had it according to
It does seem like very strange timing. This thing has been around for 7-8 months and I’m sure not much has changed in the White House in regard to masks and social contact with others. Very strange that a few weeks before the election, it’s like a covid biological weapon went off in the White House.
Bourne. That’s true.