Going Through A Box Of Old Photo's. Found This...

by pale.emperor 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dropoffyourkeylee
  • Hecce

    stan livedeath

    You are correct, 3 it is. All females, guys never confess.

  • LongHairGal


    Nice photo. It is good to see how many people are out of the religion. The old-school JWs passed away and the younger ones are a mixed bag of DFd and inactive.

    I would not be surprised if your picture represents an average of how many people from those years are out of the religion!

  • pale.emperor

    The guy in prison is a real nut case. Even back then we were told not to go near him. He had about 8 or 9 kids that were ALWAYS taken off him and his wife by social services. But they just kept having babies. He was a violent bully and most likely a psychopath. He broke his own babys jaw. One of his kids he locked in a wardrobe and fed her nettles. Seriously a F-d up individual. His wife never did divorce him, most likely was beating her up too.

  • floridaborn

    Are they still married? I wonder if he attended her JC so he could "build her back up spiritually"

  • pale.emperor

    Are they still married? I wonder if he attended her JC so he could "build her back up spiritually"

    Last i heard they were still married. She left him a few times but always went back to him.

  • wifibandit

    Whoa, you listed PIMO's...

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    pale.emperor8 hours ago8 hours ago

    The guy in prison is a real nut case. Even back then we were told not to go near him. He had about 8 or 9 kids that were ALWAYS taken off him and his wife by social services. But they just kept having babies. He was a violent bully and most likely a psychopath. He broke his own babys jaw. One of his kids he locked in a wardrobe and fed her nettles. Seriously a F-d up individual. His wife never did divorce him, most likely was beating her up too.

    is he still a dub ?

  • LevelThePlayingField

    According to the photo, 10 people woke up. That's great. If that's any indication about witnesses in general, then many are and will be waking up.

  • pale.emperor

    The guy in prison is a real nut case. Even back then we were told not to go near him. He had about 8 or 9 kids that were ALWAYS taken off him and his wife by social services. But they just kept having babies. He was a violent bully and most likely a psychopath. He broke his own babys jaw. One of his kids he locked in a wardrobe and fed her nettles. Seriously a F-d up individual. His wife never did divorce him, most likely was beating her up too.

    is he still a dub ?

    Im not sure to be honest mate. He's not the kind of person you'd want to upset so i wouldn't be surprised if the elders are just leaving him alone. He's got at least another 6 years left inside.

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