Here is a little suggestion for you and the next ten people who post a "close my account / good-bye cruel world" post. It is a simple suggestion and will save Simon a little time. Here it is, write it down if you need to;
Just stop posting!
These "Delete me, cuz everyone has been picking on me" kind of posts are ridiculous. All you have to do is "not post" and it does the same thing without the six pages of people giving you cyber sympathy and starting a finger pointing war.
You can't delete this board from your book marks and never read it again and you know it. You can try to develop some self control and not post in a thread when you think you have something to say and none of us will know you disappeared. That will show all of us godless heathens! Why frustrate yourself any more than you already have? Why look stupid coming back with a new name after you gave your "give me liberty or give me death" speech? Just admit you are a little frustrated and pissed off and just go a way for a while. This site doesn't need any more little drama plays than it already produces.
Big Tex is right, you give it out as much as you receive it. Iv only made one post directly to you in all the time you have been on this board and I was just responding in a way to help you realize that not every thing in the world or in your religious philosophy is an absolute. I did it in a non threatening manner and you came back in a sarcastic, childish, manner.
I think your biggest problem here is your immaturity and lack of back bone more than it is your religious convictions. Don't go blaming all of us here who do not share in your belief in god as mean and nasty people. Why do you even care? If you have such a great message to share why don't you read a few self help books and learn how to communicate your ideas in a manner that intelligent people can have an intelligent conversation with you. Simply praying to the invisible old man in the sky doesn't seem to be working for you when it comes to this DB. Maybe that's something for you to think about.
Don't leave. Just take a little time off and try to learn how to communicate a little better. This is not a slam on you but a few suggestion that might help. By posting a good-bye post all you are doing is proving what Logansrun was trying to say in one of the post you got so up set about Christians having a victim mentality.
You can have your belief and share it here, just do it like an adult and you may have a better chance of getting a few points across. We are all exJW's here, that is our common bond and what makes us all spiritual step siblings. No one here likes to see someone leave all pissed off no matter whether we agree with the new religion they bought after leaving the JW's or not. You are permanently connected to us whether you like it or not or wheather you post here or not. We are all more the same here than we are different. No other people in the world understand us or can sympathize with our trying to find our place in the world than those who we come to play with on this board. If you want to turn your back on us and cut us out of your life then so be it.
Personally, I wish you wouldn't. We all need this board more than this board needs us and that includes you.
Take care and try to chill out.