I don't like going into churches, but because I believe the whole bible is a book of black magic to destroy all humanity, and going to a church would tie my soul into that even worse than it already is. I do not want that, so I will not go to any church. For the record, I got rid of whatever bibles I could find, and if I find any more bibles in my possession, they are going on a quick trip to my local Dumpster. And that goes for jokehovian bibles, too.
Celebrating Christmas? As I believe that the real "christ" is actually the sun, and the sun's rebirth happens on December 25, I still do that. I didn't do that while I was a jokehovian witless, and had a similar extent of phobia for it as many do for snakes (which is also part of that worthless bible--the source of most of that snake phobia is the curse planted right in Genesis chapter 3). Now, I just go ahead and worship the sun, in the way that was originally meant for humanity. It is just observing the natural procession of seasons, not chopping someone's head off.
As for a blood transfusion, I still believe the best way to deal with needing one is to not need one. And much of the "need" comes from jokehovian activity (accidents during field circus) and the jokehovian lifestyle (fast, good-tasting poison for lunch every day is a good way to develop health problems, as is the stress and not getting enough sleep due to how much is asked of you). I am aware that there are incompatibilities with blood that are not in the ABO typing system, plus there is always the danger of getting AIDS or hepatitis ß. Plus, I do not want to waste blood for a stupid transfusion. I would rather it be on hand for when it is really needed, not wasted on something stupid.