Don't forget to take Sauerkraut for COVID-19 ?

by was a new boy 28 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    I'll eat it anyways just for the taste and enjoyment.

    Don't forget the spicy mustard


    Ask a Sommelier: The Best Wines to Drink With Sausages | Serious Eats

  • TD

    The author of that articles is a known quack and and antivaxer. You should take what he says with a grain of salt.

    No doubt.

    Mercola is actually not the author of this particular claim though.

    He's summarizing a view that has appeared in several German sources, one of which is a formal research paper awaiting peer review.

    --Could very well be quackery, but the sources are more respectable than they appear at first glance

  • Simonsez

    Td here is a quote from the German article

    Important Notice

    medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information.


    Anything that helps keep your immune system strong is a plus. Fermented foods that aid your intestinal tract, vitamin D, exercise, ect all help your immune system. Strengthening your immune system has no downside.

    Sadly our Healthcare system is ran by morons who care more about making money by focusing on symptoms of disease instead of causes, like lifestyle choices, diet, ect.

    Granted there are real diseases that plague us, but prevention deserves more focus. Mercola and those like him aren’t scam artist as prevention if the wise course. The problem is that we are seeing polarization on every view these days. Eating well and prevention is a must, but sometimes you need a Doctor who can operate and prescribe a medication or antibiotics, ect. Balance is the key and every individual is different.

    I just had a check-up after not seeing a Dr. for over a decade, I never get a flu shot, haven’t had a vaccine of any kind since preparing for Kindergarten over 40 years ago. There’s absolutely nothing wrong me and I look 36. I eat no fast food, eat fermented foods, steak, veggies, eggs. I always have my morning coffee, smoke my pipe sometimes, drink plenty of alcohol, ect. Maybe I’m just lucky??



    BTW, I can tell you 100% that whatever this stuff is they’re spraying in the skies is real. As a child there was no lasting trails crossing the sky, ever...

    In the city where I live there are mornings that start out normally, then the planes come. They lay out grids of whatever they are spraying. Keep in mind this is during the Pandemic when almost all Commercial Planes are grounded...

    I don’t know what they’re doing, but it’s real.


  • TD

    Td here is a quote from the German article

    Danke sehr. -Ich schätze den Gedanken.

    Wie gesagt, der Artikel wird nicht von Experten begutachtet

    Hier ist ein ähnlicher Artikel vom März:

    Es könnte Dummheit sein. Wer weiß?


    Twitter actively censors information, so does YouTube, ect. You have to be careful about what you say lest you awaken the wrath of the SJW’s and their handlers. 1984, here we come...


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    TD queried, "If fermented food is all it takes, then why not beer?"

    There are different kinds of fermentation.

    Beer is made by the action of yeast, converting sugar in ethanol. Then it is usually pasteurized to kill the yeast.

    REAL fermented pickles and sauerkraut and kim-chi for example, are made by the action of bacteria converting sugar to lactic acid. The LIVING bacteria contribute to your gut health.

    "Quick" pickles and sauerkraut, etc. made with vinegar are not fermented and do not offer the health benefits of real unpasteurized fermented vegetables.

  • TD

    Thanks Nathan

    Pasteurization, I believe, is mostly confined to "Big beer" these days. Craft beers are typically bottle conditioned, even those from medium sized breweries like Sierra Nevada, Mendocino, North Coast, Kona, etc.

    But yeah. I get it about the two being entirely different forms of fermentation.

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