oh yeah and Salt and Pepa's PUSH IT REAL GOOD (definately on the BAD list)
What musical groups or songs were bad according to JWs?
by Victorian sky 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
(for the 4-1-1, it means "knights in service of satan"; and yes, KISS will tell you that if you check it out)
personally, I have the "best of" and my fav is "do you love me" although friends always tell me "hard luck woman" is the one that comes to mind when they are thinkin of me. Don't know if I like that too much, but oh well!
go figure
(who loves all music, regardless of genre)
We had a talk about this at the circut assembly, it must have been about '98 because one the bands the brother mentioned was Savage Garden. He said why would we want to listen to a band that promoted such 'savage' tendancies by having it in their name, and as such how bad must their music be. There was a stunned silence in the auditorium, because most people had heard the band and knew that there was nothing 'savage' about their music.
All the instructions from the platform ect are taken as law by jws, but things like this show that its just based on the whims of men who haven't even bothered to check out if what they're saying is right, and its f***ing peoples lives up.
wheres caleb?
Hey Gadget,
I agree with you. The thing that sticks out in my mind is how they react after they have been more accurately informed. Their reaction is, "oh well". They still view their efforts as falling under the category of 'shepherding the flock'. Their over-reactions and bad judgements are still done in our best interests. Anyone who reacts detrimentally to their poor counsel is 'spiritually weak' and it is never their fault.
I'll take my chances with the music I choose to listen to.
oh yeah and Salt and Pepa's PUSH IT REAL GOOD (definately on the BAD list)
I knew a sister who had a recording of HER singing this song, I believe she recorded it with a karaoke company. Me and her daughter used to listen to it :)
I remember at like ever DC after Snoop and Dre were big, they would say we shouldn't listen to debasing rap music like the popular "snoopy dogg" And they ignorantly said it wrong EVERY FREAKING CONVENTION!!! All the kids in the audience would laugh and wisper to their friends, he just called Snoop doggy dog "Snoopy dog" HAHAHA.
Oh No George Michaels I want your sex. Manic Monday was bad because it said "He tells me in his bedroom voice, come on honey, lets go make some noise" Elton John's, That's why they call it the blues and Motley Crue's Shout at the devil were all banned.
My father used to tell me Poison, poisons your mind and Def Leppard makes you deaf.
Who the hell listens to records played backward?
In 1970, my regular pioneer application was turned down because I listened to the Beatles' music (and read comic books).
A year or two after that, an elder informed me and my friend that we shouldn't listen to Santana albums because "Santana" is a feminine form of "Satan." He didn't seem too fazed when we told him that Santana was actually the guy's name.