Ok, so, I am 21 years old, a full time student, and I work part time to support my habit (education). My S/O with whom I live, is also a student and works part time. We all work/play/go to school in the area that we currently live in. Its also an expensive area.
Well we have been given the opporitunity to rent a HOUSE (currently we are in a 1BR apt. eww) for a little bit more than we spend on rent now. Not only that, but the house has just been built, its very nice and on a LOT of land.
So, I should jump on it, right? Well there is some large "Buts"
- It is 45min to an hour away from where we go to school, where we work, and where our friends and fun is.
- It is closer to family...in fact, the next town over, but they would not visit much, but maybe they will
- It is in a small ass rinky-dink town, I am trying to get OUT of that.
- Its the perfect "settling down" type of thing. I plan on going to school for another 5 years and will have my masters, I actually want to be a professor, so it might be just right for that sort of thing.