>>The Bible reveals that Jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (ReadGenesis 6:5, 6.) From this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the Scriptures and is out ofharmony with Jehovah’s way of think-ing.The disciple James wrote: “The wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (Jas. 3:17) Beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations. PerceptiveChristians do not need to ask whether itis acceptable to be entertained by a cer-tain book, movie, or game that featureswhat Jehovah hates. His mind on suchmatters is made clear in his Word.<<
It is clear that these men must have only impure thoughts and inclinations when they have sexual thoughts.