I was thinking of my CO Grandfather who passed on a few years ago. His wife my Grandmother passed on in 99. I can remember him saying "I know after Armageddon I can not be married to her but maybe we can live next to each other. Not sure where the cult stands on this issue today. They used to believe no one who was brought back to life would ever be able ot marry. Its disturbing on several levels. One is that if you are lucky enough to have a spouse that is a friend you can not be as close to them after the big A as before. Don't get me wrong, I don't buy a single thing the cult or for that matter the bible teaches. But its sad that people follow the cult that makes them feel sad and inadequate.
I remember my Grandfather who was a CO saying;
by dogon 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hmm, interesting you're sliding this in here and now...
I think the section you're after, about Harry Peloyan, starts around the 24:20 mark on the video - in particular from 26:30
this is from their cult website
It ends with the 'MEH!' comment of:
Understandably, we may have many questions about life in the new world. Rather than needlessly speculating on the answers to those questions, we will just have to wait and see. But of this we can be sure: Obedient humans will be happy, for Jehovah will satisfy all their needs and desires in the best possible way.—Ps. 145:16.
I'm surprised they didn't ask for money in there somewhere.
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My mum remarried a mere 6 months after my dad passed away. She met a guy at the district convention, was engaged within 2 weeks and married 2 weeks later. She thought she wouldn't be married to my dad in the resurrection.
Now? It's a touchy subject to bring up. Although she's still with her new husband, she told my sisters that had she known she could still be married to him she would have stayed single. When i was a JW and not being shunned she used to randomly apologize for rushing into the marriage. I never even mentioned it. But she would always explain herself "had i known i could still be married to him i would have just waited until the new system".
Well mother, this is what happens when you let 7 old men who have zero education in theology dictate your beliefs to you.
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This touchy subject came up often when I was an elder. Many older ones who had been together for 50+ years seemed to be broken by the prospect of not being with their former mate in the "paradise earth".
I used to try to comfort them by telling them that we just don't know how it will be in the "paradise". My reasoning was that in the 'new system' when someone is resurrected and they have family members there to greet them, there children will still be their children, their parents will still be their parents, grand children still their grand children, etc. That the only fleshly relationship that will not be the same is the marriage mate.? Marriage is the most intimate fleshly relationship mankind can have, originated by god himself, but it's the only one dissolved in the "paradise"? lol
just saying!
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paley - "had i known i could still be married to him i would have just waited until the new system".
F**k me rigid with a cucumber, maestro! I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
This is something I've seen many times and still seeing it. A Jobo gets married again. I always wondered if, deep within, they knew the 'resurrection hope(tm)' was a load of crap?
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Wasanelder Once
Your grandfather married, procreated and died. Evolutionary purpose fulfilled. Its always better when the process is enjoyable. Sounds as if it was for him. No redo ya know?
Thinking about death and resurrection logically will make your brain hurt.
George Carlin had a brilliant bit about this in the context of the traditional Christian teaching of going to heaven when you die:
But its sad that people follow the cult that makes them feel sad and inadequate.
In something I posted about my father, who is in his 80s and is now alone (my JW mother passed away last year), one of the things that breaks my heart is seeing his pain for knowing that he will not be married to my mother in Paradise, along with missing her (they spent a good 80% of their lives together). It is heartbreaking to have people suffer like that.
I don't know about where they stand with it now, but I know that my JW father still has that belief.
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I had an assembly very shortly after the article that punkofnice linked to came out. The CO had lost his wife a few years prior and he talked about how painful it was knowing that he could never be married to her again and how happy he was when the article came out saying, basically, "oh the previous GB made that up, but they were full of shit" because now he had the prospect of being married to her in paradise.
I had been awake for a few months when this happened, and in the car ride home I thought I'd made some progress with my wife as I brought this flip-flop up. She said how nice it was for him that they had adjusted their understanding on it and what a wonderful thing it was, blah blah blah typical JW post assembly nonsense. I just said something to the effect of, "Yeah, I just think it would've saved him and the tens of thousands like him a lot of heartache if they had just admitted from the beginning that they didn't know what Jesus meant instead of making something up and stating it with certainty." That was one of the few times I got the "Hmm I never thought about it like that" reaction from her that made me think I might be able to wake her up. That was about as far as I ever got.
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