We have to keep a few things in mind when considering this topic. For instance, the "Bible" is a collection of ancient writings that may never have been intended to be viewed as one book, so to speak. Also, where are all the open-minded, objective experts in the ancient languages who can tell us what "code" or secret messages may have been hidden in these scrolls?
Personally, I would need a very thorough understanding of those ancient languages and the oldest copies available, and years to be left alone in order to study them, to give you any kind of answer. I don't have any of those. So I am at the mercy of someone else's opinion.
If you enjoy "codes" then do some research into what's called "Sacred Geometry." Geometry is everywhere, it in everything, and even "primitive" civilizations understood this fact.
Some claim that the scrolls that became the bible (some of them, at least) contained codes that explained the creative powers of the Universal God/Mind. Is that true? I don't know, but it's a fascinating subject to look into.