The religious lessons themselfs are not missed, they were actually quite dull, and I realize I learnt nothing of value from them. Instead a quite evening at home playing with my boy is more endearing. Yes my life has moved on, I occassionaly see members of my former congregation in shopping centers, or they are putting the kids in to the back of the car and inside I believe most of them have bottled it, they prefer the comfort to the " truth" Who am I to expose the can of worms.
Many of course can blame parents or grandparents for having grown up as outcasts in school and I hope if they do leave like me they hold no resentment. Indoctrination is a terrible thing, and even false prophecy, Royal commissions, and proof that many of the elders in the congregation are complete and utter shits won't change that. This however no longer baffles me and I am content simply being indifferent to any arguments that are made to prompt my return.
I still bear some resentment to the G.B, and those that belong to the more prosperous positions simply because personally I believe most are leading a double life and are indifferent to the life's they are ruining. However such people exist in all organisations, which is why many organized minded people are attracted to organisation. Politics and business not only religion confirm this.
Now it is my first summer " beyond" the Kingdom Hall walls, and when I see a pub in the evening I will stop there and no longer rush home to prepare for a meeting. A Guinness in a pub has introduced me to some of life's most wonderful characters.
I do appreciate many here who have doubts have a lot to be slaughtered about if they leave. The personal "shit" is the part of the journey I won't judge. As for the factual stuff you must be aware of it, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
So I have started this O.P hoping others like me will have magnificent testimonies on how there life's have improved, however I am sure many have struggled and sadly life may be pretty miserable. Both testimonies are equally appreciated. The important thing is it takes guts and courage to move on, and happy endings can't be guaranteed, but each posters testimony is of equal value and the " lucky bastards" like me I hope are not the few.
The Rebel.