Cofty, you have an obsession with copy and paste. I did not copy and paste. I looked it up in the printed edition, the emphasis being on the embryology. I don't intimidate by textbook. By the way, I don't see you listing your sources all the time. Why do you expect it of others then?
What research did you do in the study of of the origin of eukariotic cells? You read a few books. Same here. So let's not dwell on it.
Fish ancestors and the tree of life. Again, that is funny. From fish to man. I just don't see it, even after millions of years.
As I mentioned, the laryngeal nerve, aorta and vas deferens works well. All of these designs contributed to the survival of the species. Why I mentioned embryology, all the above must be packaged in embryonal form first. Gradually these will be rolled out in an orderly manner in a healthy embryo. Most of these "impracticle" designs could be traced back to embryology and the deposit of stem cells. One should not only examine the end product, but also where it comes from.
Take my word for it, we are brilliantly designed. When I look at history, I marvel at the fact that man has survived all the adversities thrown at him. I believe one should only criticize a design if and when one can improve on it. So far I don't see any improvements by the geneticists. If its not broken, it's not necessary to fix it.
It's late. Time for bed.