Last week's wt study, Sept. 25 - Oct, 1 , contains a wording often repeated in old publications, that is at variance with the bible's reading , (no surprise here), wherein Wt writers have consistently insisted that the universal sovereignty issue will be settled by,- or at the end of the 1000 year reign.
This erroneous rendering of the events following Satan's release after the millennium is again used in Par. 18.
"--it will not be until the end of his Thousand Year Reign that all his enemies will be completely destroyed.."
"until the end" clearly implies, wrongly, that the final test falls within the 1000 years and there will clear sailing after 49 000 years aA (after Adam.) ha ha.
This contradictory wording, together with the unfitting anointed generation ending, makes me believe that wt has a serious long term time concept, in the range of the Jubilee cycle, that does not match bible writings. confused as these are.
wt is superimposing it's beliefs on the bible.
PS. interesting too how they link the kingdoms: 1914 Christ starts his "rule", but later has his "Thousand Year Reign", capitalized.