We've all gotten a little older (the Beav was about 60 at the time this was taken):
The Beav, Eddie, Wally
by compound complex 14 Replies latest social entertainment
Man talk about memories! Im far too young to have seen it when it originally aired but it was constantly on daytime tv in reruns when i was a kid. It was a highlight of a day home from school to watch an episiode of leace it to beaver or i love lucy. It wasnt highbrow by any means but it felt like a connection to my parents and things they liked when they were young.
compound complex
Yes, Morpheus, connecting and reconnecting is what it's all about!
Thanks for taking a stroll down memory lane. That show was a big part of my life. The Beav is my age.
Loved that show! Still watch the re runs. RIP June and Ward!
"Ma, can I have a hunk of milk?"
We've all gotten a little older (the Beav was about 60 at the time this was taken):
Who are the other two taken besides beaver in this photo CoCo ? We used to love that show as well as I love Lucy
OK I see it now , never mind.
I had a crush on Barbara Billingsley.
Also one of my childhood favourites. Eddie Haskell stole the show, and don't forget Lumpy.
Memories..................."Ward, hope your weren't too hard on the Beaver."