Obviously, plain simple facts and truth mean nothing to a lot of Witnesses. It must be because they are in a cult and cannot distinguish the forest from the trees.
What Do You Think Would Make A Witness Decide It Was Now Time To Leave The “Truth”?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
Jdub's have long forgotten how to use their power of reasoning. After investing a lifetime any thought that the organization is false is put in the back of their mind. Plus they would lose their support system of family and friends.
The watchtower society took away their brains when they made everyone recite comments directly from the publications. Instead of encouraging research to explain the position they now want you to just recite like a robot whatever they have written down
I hope and pray that this cover up of child abuse, greed, sell off of volunteered and donated property, the accounts department saying over 3000 halls were to be sold off cause they did not make their budgets... is blown up and all will be revealed soon. It just cannot go on, they have even hired a PR department to deal with news issues to downplay the reports from the courts and negative stories - give it a spin so that pubs think its "fake" news.
Even now, when a hall is to be sold, they use excuse - too many renovations needed, lie! Its been upkept regularly by congregation - just to sell - somehow it does not sink in and even though it means further to drive on winter nights, its "Jehovahs" will
Bunch of hooey
All the reasons all exjw's have to have left. imho
"The watchtower society took away their brains "
I concur that most have only two sides to their brain."On the left there is nothing right, and on the right there is nothing left".
THe only brother in our cong that was anointed when I was growing up has left da troof, he lives not to far from me now and he said he and his wife realized that things just don't add up to what is actually in the Bible, Those are the same words a brother who was an elder when I was growing up and one of the first to get my dad interested in the da troof also walked away saying just about the same thing the other brother from my cong did, plus the fact they both say the same thing about that 607 stuff, it's a bunch of crap, totally made up, makes no sense whatsoever.
Zin I like it!!
Shirley, I’m one of those people that say this just doesn’t make sense! It’s soooo illlogical it’s embarrassing
Sigfrid Mallozzi
I believe it takes humility to admit that you have been the victim of a scam such as Jws. When the feeling overcomes you personally that you have been fooled and then "how could I have been so stupid?" It doesn't set well with a mind that has been told that Jws have all the answers that worldly people are in the dark about.