Hey what do ya'll think about the new layout? Quotes has added a new logo (which I love) language translation and a few neat features!
Let me know!
Canadian District Overbeer
by Beans 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey what do ya'll think about the new layout? Quotes has added a new logo (which I love) language translation and a few neat features!
Let me know!
Canadian District Overbeer
You have made a great job, Beans.
I owe you a lot for helping me see the truth behind the society. Your work is very much appreciated, not only by me also.
Thanks again.
I love it! Do you accept corrections? On
Watchtower quotes are easy to spot on this site, because (A) they are maked (marked or masked) in a distinctive box, and (B) there is nothing else, just quotes.
Another correction, in the menu bar under Contact Us, it is donations, not dontations.
(Couldn't help myself...)
This will drive Quotes nuts and he will fix this immediatley I am sure!
Thanks J
Well done...I'm impressed!!!!
Indisputable proof of the WT's own ummmm ... Divinely inspired self-righteous prophesies presumptions
You certainly are taking your appointment as Canadian Overbeer seriously!!! Hmmmmm...thinking maybe Canada needs a West Coast Overbeer.......You know....there are 41 of us West Coast Apostates!!! I mean....that's a lot of Molsen Canadian beer to have on hand at any given time!!!
The new and improved site looks great!
I think it is also nice that the WT BS CD is now available to the "rest" of the world's population, and the "symbolic" price of 1975 is a crack-up!
You already know I think you site is one of the BEST.
I just had the opertunity to show it to another tonight. Keep it up.
"This will drive Quotes nuts and he will fix this immediatley I am sure!" Yup, it did (drive me nuts) and I did (fix it immediatley). Thanks for the exposure, Beans!
Oh, and the keen eye among you will notice a certain similarity in colour scheme and general style...
To see the source if inspiration, check out this unusual and obscure site: http://www.watchtower.org.
Gee, you don't think the similarities will cause confusion, do you? ;)
Quotes, unusual and obscure website....LOL!
I love this:
If you feel that reading direct quotes from Watchtower Society publications is wrong or somehow improper then perhaps you should be on your way"
Great! :-D