Me, yesterday, working a local hard of hearing territory. (Check out my amplifiers)
Photo of me out on the work......
by ScoobySnax 19 Replies latest jw friends
And after service, off to the local speak-easy for a little nip of moonshine..23-skidoo!
termite 35
Hey Nifun , you look like that one with the hat from 'The Monkeys' !!!
termite 35
The two in the centre look like they're going to invite some poor soul into their ' Agape-love-wagon'.I bet you're never heard of again...
Only thing missing is dunce caps
That sound system is off the chain! Pop a CD in, bump the bass and you set to go. lol
Nilfun that photo is AWESOME!!
Ok sorry--I got sidetracked.
Where the heck did that picture come from Scoob? It's hillarious!
Termite: A Monkee ya say? And here I thought my hat was the cat's meow, the bees knees, hotsy totsy. Aw applesauce! Hope the chapeau doesn't make me look like a big palooka and give ya the heebie jeebies.
Joannadandy: Ya think so? I think it's swell cos it makes me look even taller than that shmuck Davey Jones.
Joanna.....why its just little ol' me....... ??
I made the mistake of playing Hey Hey we're the Monkeys on the way out of the territory yesterday.......what was worse was playing Two Tribes Frankie Goes to Hollywood on the way in.......still we got 5 not at homes, 3 Return visits, 4 magazine routes, and 167 couldn't here the doorbells.......