Watchtower Greek where the mumbo meets the jumbo

by Terry 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    You guys wanna hear something funny?

    For a long time as a kid, I was under the mistaken impression that the originals of the Bible books actually existed in museums or libraries somewhere, that the WT folks had access to them and created the NWT from them, and that the scholars of “false religion” had dishonestly mistranslated their versions on purpose to avoid worshipping Jehovah or going door-to-door.


    Imagine my disappointment when my elder father admitted to me that this wasn’t quite the case, and that obedient JWs simply had faith that the NWT was more correct.

    On a related note, I suspect that, on some level, certain JWs have an intrinsic need to trust some kind of authority figure.

  • Terry

    I think each of us separately has that electric moment when it finally hits us -
    all our deep-seated belief is based on something illusory - not at all provable.
    An amazing feeling.
    A rug pull.

  • Phizzy

    " all our deep-seated belief is based on something illusory - not at all provable.

    An amazing feeling.
    A rug pull." Yes ! this is very true, for a number of us in for a long time, we had a few moments like this over the years, the Big Rug Pull is when you have your final Epiphany, and realise it is ALL lies, made up stories, and nonsense. Everything you ever believed in !

    This is devastating to a born-in like me, and it felt like I had suddenly found out my "parents" had lied to me all my life, and I was in fact adopted. Then the questions really start, " Who am I really ?", for the adoptee in the example, and of course for those of us who were Born in. We have to change our whole Worldview, and find our real personality, the " Real Me". Not easy, those early steps on the Road to Freedom.

    As to the realisation that there was in fact a paucity of early Manuscripts, for the O.T and N.T, in fact none were anywhere near the time of the Autographs, I realised this when we covered it in the Theocratic School, in the " Inspired" Book, and it troubled me then. I was amazed over the years after, to find out most J.W's who had covered this stuff the same as me, had not taken any notice of it. I suppose they sat there with their brains in neutral, I even had some argue with me, at times, that there were "Original" Manuscripts !

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