Are the Dubs going back to the KH again? (Covid-19)
by Iamallcool 21 Replies latest jw friends
Any takers? -
They have to have the troops in place for indoctrination soon or they will lose control.
Eventually, yes.
Almost certainly not in 2021 though. And when it does start up again, it will be at limited capacity (X% of the congregation physically at the KH, the rest on Zoom) for many months.
I don't anticipate things back to "normal" JW-wise until, at the earliest, 2023.
Slidin Fast
I think there is something cowardly, yellow-bellied about the covid stance of the WT hierarchy. All full time (paid) people are severely locked down. There is no accessing or leaving bethels etc. COs are banned from any contact no matter local rules. The GB will be absolutely insulated from any risk of infection in their ivory towers.
The rest of the flock, the r&f however are expected to work, thus incurring some level of risk, contribute, in order to allow for this protection of the hierarchy and (crocodile tears) die in numbers, as an inevitable consequence of their higher risk of infection.
Don't however come near our KHs with your nasty germs, we don't want them and we don't want our good name associated with any local outbreak.
The consequence of this is that only the the scientific work, the sacrifice and personal risk of others will stem the world wide problem. Don't look to WT for any help. Don't even clap for the carers.
Cowardly and self serving.
They have started pencilling in dates for one day assemblies in early 2022. I guess these could easily be postponed if they feel there is still too much risk, especially if they are at JW owned assembly halls where you think there wouldn't be a cancellation fee (though I would certainly think the congregations are still being called on to fund maintenance costs)..
They have started pencilling in dates for one day assemblies in early 2022.
Which countries?
How reliable is your source?
Since the vaccine roll out will not be the same in every country, GB might choose a progressive return to the KHs.
The branch office in major regions can decide what will be appropriate based on local needs. It will still likely be early 2022
I dont know why all JWS are afraid of catching the Coivid virus, Jehovah has always protected his chosen earthly organization and its people in the past.
But then again he may not fully protect those who haven't put in any hours of service recently, deeming them spiritually weak and unloyal..
Well Tony Morrison told everyone this is it. This is what we been waiting for. Meaning the convid and start of tribulación. They probably think this is the end and are selling everything. In my crew the one that supplies the booze decides what we do in the future 😉
Well Tony Morrison told everyone this is it. This is what we been waiting for.
JWS = a bunch little idiots following bigger idiots
Yes brothers and sisters soon just about all of humanity is going to killed by fire raining down from heaven and are salvation into a earthly paradise is at hand.
This should be bring much joy and anticipation to us all.