My story

by PimoElder 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • punkofnice
    I like many many like all the good things about being in the congregation

    Now I know you're trolling us!

  • ozziepost
    Now I know you're trolling us!

    Well, punkofnice has called you out.

    How do you respond?

  • PimoElder

    I am not trolling anyone I know you don’t like the fact that there are many of us PIMO members of congregations who like all the good things about being physically in the org.

    there are some great people and really good associations for my kids. We are all like a big family.

    I think the governing body is just as wrong to push the vaccines on all members as they were to say millions now living will never die. They do make mistakes and maybe much about JWs current teaching will prove to be wrong.

    but I still feel it’s the closest to the truth than any other.

    Its more beneficial for me to stay PIMO than to leave the cong. I have all the advantages of being in the cong, without the disadvantages of being disappointed in years to come when Armageddon still doesn’t come 🤣

  • punkofnice
    there are many of us PIMO.....

    'many' seems like a weasel word here. then they are in for a crash.

    there are some great people and really good associations for my kids. We are all like a big family.

    One word and you can decide how good they are: SHUNNING.

    but I still feel it’s the closest to the truth than any other.

    Now I know you're trolling us. that's too stupid to even respond to with anything much.

    Its more beneficial for me to stay PIMO than to leave the cong. I have all the advantages of being in the cong, without the disadvantages of being disappointed in years to come when Armageddon still doesn’t come

    You are either in a dream world or trolling. I can't decide which.

  • NonCoinCollector

    but I still feel it’s the closest to the truth than any other.

    How about some examples of how Watchtower has it right versus any other religion?

  • DesirousOfChange

    but I still feel it’s the closest to the truth than any other.

    Be honest-- how many other religions have you really examined? As with most JW's, it doubtful if you really know the doctrines of your current religion. And just how close (or how far) to/from the "truth" does a religion have to be in order to be OK (with God or with YOU)?

    "Close" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Remember the wee bit of poison in the glass of water?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    on reflection--i'm glad this guy is one of possibly many. Imagine congregations of mostly PIMOs !

  • usualusername1


    Do what is best for you. 👍🏾

  • Vanderhoven7

    The fact is that every doctrine which is both original and unique to Jehovah's Witnesses is not in the Bible, i.e., extra-biblical. That includes their two-tier soteriology, their eschatological mythology; their gospel and their unrelatable angelic Jesus.

  • HappyDad


    You make the statements.....

    “im fully unvaxed because I know it’s harmful”

    “Nobody can have seven of these experimental injections and still be in good health”

    “I hear some people say nobody can have several of these experimental shots and still be in good health

    To vax or not to vax is a personal choice. What I want to know is where do you get off with such adamant statements? What authority or educational status do you have to make such statements as if you were another Dr. Fauci?

    I have a dear friend who died from full blown Covid two weeks before Christmas because he was anti-vax and anti-mask.

    For myself, the vaccine kept me from going in to full blown Covid. What I had was bad enough without dying because I was an idiot who believed they are bad.

    On the other hand, you still drink the Kool Ade handed out by the WT and like what you have. You really need to get a life and stop trying to act like an “all knowing” Carnac. Leave the Carnac act to the late Johnny Carson.

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