Parents kept twins, 5, in a filthy cage

by ignored_one 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ignored_one

    Parents kept twins, 5, in a filthy cage

    Julian Borger in Washington
    Wednesday August 27, 2003 The Guardian

    An Arizona couple were in jail last night for allegedly keeping their five-year-old twin sons in makeshift cages for nearly 20 hours a day, and feeding them through a small hole.

    Police in Phoenix were told about the boys' plight by an elder brother, aged 20, and said they arrived at the house to find the children lying on soiled sheets covered in cockroaches in two cots wired together and covered with plastic crates.

    The improvised cages had been sealed together and the only opening was a T-shaped hole through which the boys had been fed, the police said. The boys appeared unable to talk and had not been toilet trained.

    Etelvina Rodriguez, 42, told the police that her husband, Louis, 69, was unwell and had been unable to look after the boys, so the cages had been used to stop them straying.

    The boys had been let out for a few hours each evening when their mother got home from work.

    The parents were charged with child abuse and kidnapping. The twins were placed in state custody, as was a boy aged eight, said to have enjoyed more freedom.

    Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003 - Ignored One

  • Vivamus

    Oh my god. I am horrified. They should kill those people for doing that.


    And the world shall tremble in the wake of the Blue Bubblegum
    Dutch District Overbeer

  • Angharad

    Urgh absolutely sickening

  • czarofmischief

    Unbelivable. How could you EVER do that to a kid?


  • badolputtytat

    I saw the footage no CNN.... it was absolutely horrrible... the cages looked to be "fashioned" from plastic bread/bun pallets, that had been tied together over the cribs.... it was filthy. So glad to know that they were caught.

  • Yerusalyim


    Oh my god. I am horrified. They should kill those people for doing that.

    You're wrong...the parents should be forced to live out their lives in these exact same conditions.

  • cruzanheart

    Oh, I don't know, Yeru, maybe we should introduce those parents to the guy who took out the pedophile priest . . . .


  • lisavegas420

    This is absolutely horrible...I wouldn't to that to my animals, let alone a child....these people make me sick. I hope they are proscuted to the highest extent of the law!!!!


  • Yerusalyim

    I don't approve of the murder of those not convicted of a capital offense...though I'm shedding no tears for Geoghan.

  • Cassiline

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